Stop giving us temporary systems over!

I’m really tired of not seeing enough new glyphs or hearing that blizzard doesn’t plan to add more customization to characters when we have things no one really wants added or temporary systems that we know will be removed when they’re added.

the corruption system from bfa??? 1 patch and its gone forever.

night fae soul forms? gone next expack most likely?

mission tables…enough said…

Stop telling us you don’t have time to make tier sets and glyphs when you’re management is adding stuff we don’t want and stuff that don’t last.


I want the heart of azerite but it gets cut off in Shadowlands… so, do people not even get it?

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Tbh I don’t even know. when i enter bfa it doesn’t ask me to go get it but I still use mine I already had. most likely gonna be disabled later aswell…

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But tier sets are also borrowed power that doesn’t last forever…

You can’t really ask for one while complaining about the other


“Fun” is also a very common temporary system in WoW


teir sets effects may not last but the SET does. its transmog that you can use forever


So you want class specific transmogs without the attached power…got it

The problem is if they give permanent power we will experience more pruning. Not sure why but it happens. Blizz loves reinventing the wheel.


WoW characters are long past any kind of progression or building-up.

They’re dollies that just get different outfits each expansion. Both literally regarding outfits, and figuratively regarding power.

I don’t see the problem with this setup, honestly.

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thats what sets are already? the gear itself we out gear later. we can always go back and get tier sets. i wouldn’t expect a mechagnome to care about looks but thats content for most of us.


All the systems just kill playing alts for me. Having to regrind the many in bfa and now renown for soulbinds, memories, etc just to be effective isnt fun

I dont mind some. but it seems so dumb to add something just for 1 patch over long term items. they keep not adding enough glyphs for most classes and act like they cant see us asking then turn around and add a 5 mission table NO one wanted.

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WoW will always be about borrowed power and it always has been.

agreed. a character is so back loaded now with time investment in these systems that you cant easily change a character or have multiple alts without dedicating a massive amount of time into them.

this has been true for the last few expansions and i dont know if other people hate it as much as i do but its absolutely terrible.


unfortunately it’s “easier” to balance a system that you know will only be around for a single expansion/patch. can you imagine if azerite gear/Heart of Azeroth/Corruption stayed around in SL and went on top of the covenant soul binds, conduits and abilities?

they are able to do things like this because they know it most likely won’t stick around, and if it does then it will do so in a way that is reasonable (like table missions and garrisons/class halls/covenant halls)

it would have been much easier to not have abilities from covenants and just add stat increases with level; like 2% stam, 5% all stat, 10% all stat, etc.

but even that is lame, the covenant thing is just gimmicky and feels pretty lame tbh.

i would love to see an expansion where they add the perks back to gear pieces, set bonuses, and all players to switch between alts without the attunement style systems they have in the previous and current expansions.

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The power is temporary, the xmog is forever.


Tier sets used to last through subsequent expansions. Current additions to the game get deactivated upon next expansion or for example 51 heart of azeroth/corruptions

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Maybe my memory is off…but I thought tier sets were only useful during the tier they came out in…and then got replaced the next tier

Recycling Temporary Power Systems is the only course of action due to a lack of innovation in the game or ideas for anything actually new.

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