Stop giving us temporary systems over!

maybe looking forward to a new permanent spell for each class like we used to back in the days? That would be a good way to take something away from one expansion onto the next :slightly_smiling_face:

we see powers from old legendaries/artifacts return to the game all the time - if you’re going to put them in the game again every expansion - why not just make them talents or something? :space_invader:

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You’re correct. But they weren’t deactivated and turned into legacy as they are now. As of now you can’t just enjoy the tier sets in the lower level content because they don’t even work lol


yes they are deactivated and replaced with another strange gimmick that lends us power but doesnt exactly feel good when its gone since its felt like part of your class.

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Where were you in Vanilla WOW, BC, WOTLK, CATA, MOP, and WOD? Did you even have an account when you played those? We did not borrow power in those. The stupid idea of borrowing power came from Legion, which was 2 expansions ago. The beginning of WOW and up to WOD, we did not borrow power from any group, item or weapons. We upgraded ourselves.


Yeah, I played them and we had borrowed power.

I am calling you out on that. We did not borrow power from anyone during vanilla WOW up to WOD. Stop lying.


Good try friend! We had tier sets and that is borrowed power. You lost your max level and that is borrowed power.

Let me know when you have had permanent player power progression. You get nerfed into the ground every new expansion.

You are expanding the definition when you know full well what he is talking about.

But shift the goalposts all you want, if that’s the only way you can score.


Nope, they are all temporary systems this includes gearing as well.

Blizzard has only continued to build on the systems model every expansion as it continues.

Tier sets is not borrowed power. That is upgrading a weapon or armor. There is a difference with borrowing power from a relic weapon system, azerite system, and covenant system. Stop trying to compare tier sets and regular weapons with those systems.


There’s a difference and you know it.

Do we discard leveling and gear as concepts every expansion in favour of a new system for power?


Of course it is.

Alright, this is just bugging me for some reason.

Borrowing power: The Legion weapons, Azerite Necklace, and the Covenants.
1.) They give us new abilities that are suppose to be powerful.
2.) They enhance your regular abilities, but also your talents.
3.) They play a key role within the expansion.
4.) They are taken away after a new expansion comes in. The borrowed power is removed.

Tier sets
1.) They give you stamina, mana, charcteristics just like any armor does.
2.) You do not have to get them. You can do dungeons and raids for armor.
3.) The only perks they give is to upgrade your already known abilities or skills that you have for your character.
4.) You do not get any other skill or power from them.
5.) You can still use them in current expansions, but you will most likely die to the new creatures that you have to face. They contain their power.
There is a difference.


Never! You could take your own advice though:

Who cares!

Nope, Blizzard is just doubling down on those systems that have always been in game.

They will continue to double down each new expansion.

I’m really tired of seeing these idiotic threads

Technically I wouldn’t mind if they just added abilities from previous expansions to add on the talent trees. That way we have something that carries over from previous expansions and not have to worry about systems etc. I understand they do this style to keep us entertain, but at least bring some abilities over that players were fond of using.

Overall it’s called progress.


same. I’d rather have the talent as my personal spell, rather than have it be introduced in some new armor or weapon every expansion…they’re adding it in the game anyway right?


I really do hope these Blizzard developers can understand that before their competitors improvises on the concept. Be ahead of the game before someone else gets to it first.


Tier sets have augmented powers you already have. Power tied to your character, not systems is what people are asking for.

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Again - when did we ever abandon gear and leveling as systems? I seem to recall those power systems persisting across every iteration of WoW. They are not borrowed systems. Iterative, sure, but they are core systems.

Hitting the reset button on a system is drastically different from discarding the system.

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