Stop gating allied races behind reps

i am trystian the dark iron dwarf with so many posts in this thread. this is the first toon i leveled in bfa that unlocked all the horde races.

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We never had allied races before.

I don’t mind the rep requirement. Just playing the game got me all the rep I needed to unlock the races I wanted.

The one thing I wouldn’t say no to is having allied races linked so, like, unlock an allied race on one faction and it also unlocks the corresponding race on the other faction. Like, unlock zrolls and it also unlocks kul tirans. I’d like to give kul tirans a shot, but I don’t play Alliance, so that unlock’s not gonna happen for me. Ah well. Like I said, not a change I’m asking for. Just something I wouldn’t say no to.

You only needed a lvl 55 character or higher to make a death knight in wrath. you never needed a max level character.

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I read them too… so wtf does this have to do with them gating new races?

this is also trystian. this is the toon i used to unlock DID.

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Ok still…if you were a new player coming in you still needed a lvl 55 character!!!

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It’s not about the grind, it’s why does it have to be there in the first place really.

And they will keep complaining until they get them given for no effort.

Allied races still won’t be officially part of the Horde, though. They will have to accept that fact eventually.

I mean, evolution usually implies improvement. Arbitrary brick walls designed to increase time played metrics aren’t exactly an improvement.


You should delete that blood elf, sir. Since there was no silly tedious time-gated world quest humping trickle grind to unlock it you put no effort in to make it. You should be ashamed of yourself! Ashamed I say!

Races, not classes.

so to you somehow classes are more special than races?

A poor attempt to antagonize me with your asinine attitude. Good luck next time.

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attacking you because they can’t really come after you for being wrong. lol. typical forums.

You reap what you sow, sir.

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Your investment stays (doesn’t reset) on the character you put it into. You just “gain” the potential for more to invest when you start a new character.

Kind of like opening a new bank account that required a prior account to hit a certain savings amount before you could open it. The amount in invested in the first account doesn’t reset - it just stays there.

In the case with characters you’re also restricted to not being able to transfer the original investment over. In order to do that - you’d have to purchase a race change.

If you want the heirloom armor - you’d have to level a new character of the allied race to max, then race change your prior “main” character to be able to use the armor.

Looks around, waiting


Core races> Allied races
Core classes> Hero classes

They both have requirements/they both require being earned and they both start at a higher level as a bonus.


Pretty sure that I rolled a core race. Which didn’t start at level 20 when I rolled him. But of course, that is according to blizzard and not some random troll on the forums who is to lazy to lift their pinky.

If entitlement was a seed, most of you would be half way to Uranus.

There are probably 100 other threads on this subject out there, if you really want to know why the ‘grind’ is there in the first place you could check them out. All sorts of theories.

In this game though, you usually have to spend time to earn things and the more time you have to spent the more special the reward.

“Stop making me play the game so I can play the game!”

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