Stop Frost Novaing in dungeons

Auxillary CC. A true CC removes the mob from combat

Frost Nova if we’re being technical is an AOE root not a CC in any way shape or form. A CC effect by definition means the mob cannot attack back

and if we want to further be technical, I only included roots (meaning entangling roots, not roots in general) because it’s spammable. Frost nova is not

I believe Frost nova is and always has been considered a form of crowd control. In fact, according to wowwiki, it is a form of “secondary crowd control” – secondary because it is relatively weak and can be broken easily.

So it appears, at least, that Blizzard considers it a form of CC. :smiley:

Wowwiki is wrong. At best frost nova would be tertiary or “auxillary” CC meaning literally as a last resort, which is what I’ve said this entire post

Even classifying it as a secondary CC is wrong. A secondary CC would be fear, blind, or spammable roots

Stuns, frost nova, engineering things, etc. would be tertiary CC

Ok, as far as I’m concerned, it’s just semantics. When I frost nova a mob or mobs, they are controlled long enough for me to act.

Peace :smiley:

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If word gets out that Frost Nova is a CC the world as we know it will end lol

OH NOES!:scream:

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I love emoticons, don’t you?


Technically, frost nova is more crowd control than polymorph because it can literally control a crowd whereas poly can only stop one mob.

Technically crowd control doesn’t refer to controlling actual crowds lmfao

It kind of does.

If you mean removing a mob in a group of mobs from the fight, then yes, it does.

Frost nova doesn’t fit that description.

This conversation is literally dumb. Frost nova is not a primary or even secondary CC. It’s a tertiary AOE root

And by being a root, it is crowd control just like druids and entangling roots.

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Am I really having a conversation about Frost Nova being a CC?

This seriously cannot be real right now lmfao.

I’m gonna go ahead and break it down for you one more time and that’s gonna be the last time I talk about this

Crowd control in WoW refers to very specific abilities. It is not a literal definition

The CC abilities in WoW are


Wrong. To even qualify for secondary CC status the ability must be spammable (roots) or remove the mob completely from the fight for a long time (blind) or both (fear)

And root
And fear

Frost nova is definitely crowd control

Snares, roots, stuns, charms, sleeps, etc are all CC

Sure dude. I admitted, it’s a tertiary CC. Meaning the worst possible kind you can have and barely able to call itself that.

Tertiary. Not primary or secondary. Basically, the last ability you should use for a CC

Fear is spammable and removes the mob from the fight but is unpredictable and dangerous. Therefore, it’s secondary

Roots are spammable but doesn’t remove the mob from the fight. Therefore secondary

Nova is neither spammable nor removes the mob from the fight. Therefore it is tertiary

Tell that to warrior that’s getting kited to death. Novaing the mobs next to the tank can totally help the tank get aggro.

This thread isn’t about PVP stay on topic please

CC is the same in pvp or pve, there is no distinction.

BTW roots can totally remove the mob from the fight, most mobs are melee, root and they are removed

The term crowd control refers to reducing the size of the crowd not controlling a crowd.

Let’s try and keep up here bro

Right, but as it doesn’t remove the mob’s ability to fight back it is considered secondary CC.

At no point have I refuted that roots are a form of CC.