Stop Frost Novaing in dungeons

I know the post is long check the TLDR at the bottom for a summary.

I know a bit about mages. I mained one into AQ. In classic, I decided to roll a druid, and because of the tank shortage on my server I ended up being feral.

By all accounts, I do a darn good job. I actually manage to hold threat quite well as opposed to other bears and obviously better than warriors, which I hear often from dps have major problems generally, especially AOE threat in groups.

So I tell you this as a friend: stop it.

Stop frost novaing in dungeons.

Unless you’re in a very specific situation, a mage should almost never be frost novaing in a dungeon ever And pretty much NEVER in a raid

I cannot tell you how many times I pull and see a mage immediately run up and frost nova/CoC shatter combo in a group. Every mage. Every dungeon. Every group. Stop it

  1. First of all. When mid pull, mobs are still shifting and getting into position. For bears this means rotating swipes through the group. When you Nova all of that stops. Threat stops because mobs out range thorns and swipe and autos. Mobs are now out of position. Threat is no longer being generated.
  2. Now, naturally, they follow up with an immediate cone of cold for “big shatter combo deeps bro”. So that already fragile agro (that you ruined to start with) is now completely shattered (pun intended)
  3. Now naturally some mobs are unrooted from damage , some still have agro, some don’t, some are moving some are still rooted. Checkmate. The tank in this position can literally do nothing. If they stay to keep generating agro the moving mobs will attack the ranged, chasing the ranged means losing agro on the rooted mobs to dps actually doing their jobs and the healer.
  4. Now that the group is effectively split, there is no way to get them gather them up and tank effectively.
  5. Now, in the case that the ranged or healer are in danger from the mobs, the mage has no nova to hold them at bay.

This naturally results in a sht show. Everything is spread, dps is inefficient, tanking is inefficient, everything is split, the healer is getting attacked. it’s a mess.

Additionally, a fundamental mechanic every mage doesn’t seem to get is that a rooted mobs attacks whatever they’re stacked on, tank or not. So naturally, this split pack ends up near the ranged to which the mage Nova’s again rooting them right on top of the healer who immediately gets deleted.

The point I’m making is that frost nova in dungeons, in general, is bad. There is no surer sign I can get of a bad mage then one who immediately runs up on pull, Nova’s and CoCs. It ruins the flow of the dungeon, causes more work for your tank, kills your healer, puts your entire group in a weaker position in general, and just generally slows down the run.

I could care less what your dps is. I don’t even have meters. All I care is that agro isnt a chore, my healer stays alive, moon is polyed, and that the run is smooth. I don’t care if you’re bottom on dps if you’re doing your job.

To me, mages that shatter combo in groups are literally the biggest liability you can have and almost outweigh bringing them in the first place. Generally, it does outweigh the benefits.

There’s many many more reasons I could put in here on why novaing in groups is generally just a sign of a bad player. Only in very, very specific situations should you use nova (protecting ranged, when the mobs aren’t on you yet, when the tank is kiting because the healer is OOM, or just generally as a last resort in desperation). Even facing imminent death, it’s generally better to ice block or just die rather than nova.

I just wanted to put out a friendly PSA that mages who nova in dungeons as part of their dps rotation are thought of as bad by the in the know community at large and other mages that know how to play their class

TLDR Frost novaing in dungeons and raids is bad, and is a sign that you are a bad player. Use frostbolt to focus down targets even at the expensive of aoe damage, or simply use cone or blizzard without nova


All those years of experience you got as a mage, launch to AQ!

Joking aside, this isn’t bad advice, for the younger crowds in a general way. That said, there are times when a timely nova can save the day as well. It is also not a bad way to get the DPS train going IF you give the tank time to get threat properly established.

Some strategies for clearing trash packs also revolve around the use of Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, and Blizzard as well. Though it does require the group to be properly setup for such pulls.

That said, if a Mage just blows their whole load right out the gate, then let them die. If they complain, tell em once. They repeat, let em die again. They complain again, replace em.


No, most definitely DO Frost Nova in dungeons. Just not at the very beginning of fights. It’s a great finisher for a group of low HP mobs.


Don’t really get the sarcasm at the start /shrug

I do, however, completely agree with this statement well said.

The idea is to keep the mobs moving. Freezing them into a block is generally not a good idea. Keeping them slowed however, is

In most high operation groups and guilds I’ve ran with, blowing a Nova in a dungeon would probably get you kicked if not for a good situation and well placed use of the ability.

In pretty much every guild I’ve ever ran with, using a frost nova in a raid, at all, for any reason, is grounds for an immediate kick for all the reasons stated above


My favorite is still the fear spells. Nothing I love more than seeing someone try to save the tank from a pack of elites with a fear spell.


Funnily enough I’ve already saved a handful of wipes in pugs by Frost Novaing the feared enemies. Happens more than you’d think lol. Frost Nova is incredibly useful in dungeons.


Wrong. Unless we’re talking about a runner going into another pack that you happen to be in range to prevent with a Nova, nothing about a low health mob makes any difference whatsoever to the above stated mechanics.

A rooted mob will still attack any nearby ally, be it healer or clothie or hunter or rogue. A low health enemy still needs to be controlled by the tank and freezing it makes it so the tank must go out of his way to grab the mob if the rest of the pack is moving, and he also can’t taunt the mob and pull it back into the pack.

I feel like you read my words but didn’t really get what I was saying. It seems to me like you’re still stuck on shatter combos for low health mobs which is, again, bad

There is no but for using frost nova. A mob being low changes absolutely nothing about what I’m saying. Next to preventing a group wipe frost nova shouldn’t even be in your playbook, especially not for dps purposes


Show me on the doll where the frost nova touched you.


do bad dmg and slow down the run

Bad advice. As long as you chill for a few seconds at the start of a pull then blast and be ready to block or blink->blizz, you absolutely should be CoC’ing that nova because it’s big dam and speeds up the run. If the healer or other DPS are too geriatric to move away from mobs you’re going to nova, they probably need the wake up call of getting slapped to death by elites a few times.


Looks like it’s harder to tank in classic 2019 than it was back in 2004.


And then you kick the idiots standing in melee range.


The druid tank I run with occasionally has 0 problems with AoE threat from mages, CoC shatter or not.

Are you specced properly for dungeons?


Frost Nova is for control not damage.

Rooting mobs is directly counterproductive for tanking purposes, which is ultimately what decides how smooth and fast the run is. The healer only healing one target, the tank being the one with agro and not running around, easy smooth pulls, and no half frozen half moving packs to deal with.

Luckily there’s 2 other DPS in the group to pick up any slack, and they may be actually useful if they arent chasing around that pack you split up with your shatter combo.

There are literally no benefits to using shatter combos in a group unless that mob happens to be the focus, get frostbite, and you cast a follow up frostbolt on them and crit.

Even then, the focus being rooted for that short time is a liability in case the tank needs to move the pack (is a rogue on skull, skull is frostbite, tank has to move, rogue gets deleted). Rooting any target in a dungeon unless it’s a runner is generally a liability.

The fact that I’m even arguing this is a big yikes and extremely concerning. The group is more important than you and your damage, and I assure you that nobody cares about your dps. Mages are mainly brought for control (slows, poly)

Raids are when we can talk about meters, and if you’re shatter in a raid we have other things to discuss lmao



Complains about dps doing CC.
Most likely doesn’t offer polite suggestions between pulls.
Probably passively aggressively keeps pulling.
Doesn’t install meters and complains on forums about bad mages.


What do meters have anything to do with anything I’ve said at any point on this thread.

I explained in like paragraph 2 that I’m a tank. If damage is coming into your mind at any point during this discussion you literally proved my case for being bad. This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with meters or damage.


Could you? How much do you care if

I’d say you couldn’t.

Then again

Square cotton, Skull silk, How does this work? I’M NOT A TAILOR! WHAT DO I DO?


If you don’t bother with meters then you definately don’t belong in a raid, as everyone will be using addons there, and meters don’t just measure dps.

Perhaps you’d make more friends by talking with said mage about their rotation and how it’s not ideal for them to always be running up into melee to boost their dps as they’ve been doing, seeing as how mages are glass cannons…

But you’re a tank, and everything is about you. So perhaps it’s best to try and talk with your party about CC management rather than rail at them, no?


Sounds good if you want to do dungeons really slowly. I’m there to have fun with my friends and get pre-bis/gold, so we go fast. Maybe your threat is just trash or you play with really bad players? Our tank has zero issue holding aggro on everything, even post demo shout bug fix (sometimes loses it toward the end of a pull but the mage is already blizzarding so everything is slowed and it doesn’t matter).
Here’s something else that might fry your boomer brain: I multidot everything (depending on mob hp) at the start of a pull then hellfire and expect the healer to keep me up and the tank to keep aggro - and they do without a problem.


Wait, when were we ever discussing raids? If we’re talking about raids then the conversation becomes much simpler, use frost nova and get kicked.

When did this become a conversation about meters? Nobody ever mentioned anything about meters except that they didn’t matter in this conversation. Literally just the fact we’re talking about meters at all just means the cognitive dissonance is taking over your brain and you’re throwing up stuff to deflect facts.

Also, classic damage meters are terrible in the first place I just wanted to throw that out there. This is a well known fact lmao

You’re telling me to break this forum thread down for every mage I meet, instead of just addressing mages in general with this forum post? Lol

Also, of course it’s all about the tank. The tank is literally the most important person in the group. I’m not trying to sound arrogant, it’s just a fact. As someone coming from maining a healer for the past year, and someone who planned on maining a healer before the tank shortage, the tank is absolutely priority #1. Anything that makes maintaining agro easier or helping him keep the group alive is what you should be doing.

What are you even talking about? Are we even discussing the same game? :joy: I’m crying

Lol sorry. Spell check doesn’t know what poly is :yum:

Yikes I’ve seen meters brought up multiple times in less than 10 posts.

I think we need to sit down and have a discussion about your place in this game mages because whoever you’re getting this narrative from is bad at their class and also wrong and you should immediately disregard their words lmao.

I’ve changed from concerned to alarmed now if this is how a typical classic mage thinks. Yikes.

Big yikes

Y’all have been watching way too much Tipsout and Twitch


It sounds like what you’re wanting is for DPS to just give you a few seconds to Swipe and get position and threat.

Saying never use frost nova is objectively bad advice.