Bot update: Arugal (population: not a lot) Alliance side
58 bots in Mara … mostly lvl 60 mages and 8 lvl 38-39 bots being levelled by other bots.
8 lvl 52-53 mage bots in Zul’Farrak
4 lvl 60 mage bots in Black Rock Spire
Reported quite a few sitting in Nigel’s Point as the bots come through to repair/empty bags/mail stuff. Blizzard said thanks for reporting and actions have been taken. Meanwhile, it looks like the same amount of bots happily bot away. Surely, it’s not hard for a GM to log on once a week, see the obvious bots and ban them there and then. Why wait for blanket bans…?
Please do not merge us. We do not want to be merged. No one playing on a low pop server wants to be merged. We all have Free Character Move’s available and if anyone wants to leave they can do that instantly, for free.
Try being an OCE player with extremely limited options. My current server (Remulos) is basically a single guild, and crafting mats are extremely hard to come by.
Come to think of it, the devs must just despise things called Remulos period, since they sabotaged the Wrath/Cata classic Remulos too by offering free transfers off it to a damn high population PVP server. That destroyed my guild and any interest I had in Cata classic.
Oh well. The life of a second rate subscriber I guess. NA is the center of the world after all.
Remulos sounds like Grobbulus in that we too are very low pop (two guilds for us, one horde and small, one alliance and larger). Crafting mats should be available to anybody who wants to go pick them up but, as this thread suggests, bots and professional farmers make that more difficult and that’s why folks are asking for the free transfers to stop.
Are crafting mats difficult to come by for you because your AH is empty and you want to buy them, or because you have an army of bots and professional farmers you have to compete against and resources are scarce?
For us on Grob, in spite of the bots/farmers, we can still get most of what we need for raids. It’s frustrating to have this competition that doesn’t even list things on our AH and instead just takes it off server to feed the hyper monetized Mankrik/Whitemane crowd, but we still manage. I actually prefer being able to just go get what I need, it’s an interesting part of gameplay to do this and I find I’m enjoying WoW a lot more on Grob than I did on Mankrik.
If I’m being honest, without Grob I probably would have quit. I don’t want to pay for my progress and I don’t want to compete against all the farmers who have sprung up to meet the demands of those who do. I wish Blizzard would take note of this… that there are people who actually just want to play the game.
Stopping free transfers from low pop servers isnt the way to do it.
The way is to LOCK servers that are low, you cant bot to a server that cant have any new chars.
And they did that. My server is LOCKED. I have several chars there that I’m leveling on still, including professions. I’m not ready to transfer still.
Not everybody wants to play on the main clusters. If Blizzard banned GDKP and addressed the monetization problem then maybe, but otherwise these low pop servers are the only viable option to people who don’t want to engage with that environment and want to farm their own materials.
Locking the server hurts established communities on those servers because it prevents players who also want that environment, but didn’t start out on those servers, from either rerolling or transferring in.
These servers have been in this state for over a year, if the free transfer was meaningful to you then you would have already capitalized on it. It’s time to retire that service.
Please no. This would INSTANTLY kill off any communities left on low pop servers. These are communities of people who WANT to be on a low pop server, and purposefully have not taken Free Character Moves off of them. We’d have no way to grow our community and guild, and we would bleed out fast. Horrible idea.
I have no interest in playing era on one of the main clusters. Grobbulus forever. and we continue to grow and bring in new people… please just no with this idea of locking the low pop servers as a solution.
I seem to recall a conversation where someone stated that the devs were aware of this problem, but chose to do nothing because the dev thought it was a good thing for things to be farmed from places like Grobb and then transferred for use in places like Whitemane.
This is unfortunately true. Aggrend and I have had a few convos about the topic and they believe the influx of mats from “export servers” help to stabilize the economy on the primary clusters.
I doubt it. I don’t think he, or the classic team in general, give much mindshare to Era. They’re focused on SoD and Cata and it shows.
Then again, that’s mostly what I want… just leave Era alone, right? But it would be nice if they cleaned up this plague of farmers using “export servers” to mule finite resources off of our server. Especially since we don’t even get an option to buy them…
He’s also told me his data shows this isn’t the problem we all make it out to be.
I’m over trying to convince him and ive accepted this is the way it will be. Now im just trying to inform others of their decision and advocate against destructive suggestions such a locking our realm from new character creation.
I’m also not entirely convinced ending FCMs fixes this. I’d be curious. I suspect the farmers and gold sellers will justify a $25 fee to mule their mats over. I don’t know their scale of profit but I imagine they’re making a decent chunk of money and would happily pay $25 to mule a toon over who will profit them significantly more money.
So if FCMs don’t fix it. Locking the servers causes more harm than good. What’s the answer?
I sort of like the idea of xfers erasing items like herbs and consumes and such. But idk. Trying to care less about this stuff and just focus on having fun in the game I got enough stuff to stress over in life!
I agree here. I don’t believe they actually play Classic Era at all and aren’t really in tune with why people like it in general, let alone a group of folks deliberately choosing to play on an isolated server. You’d think our $15 a month counts just the same as anybody else’s but hey, here we are I guess.
I think I give up on this whole GDKP thing too. It’s nuts to me that we live in a world where people are happy to pay for progression, one way or the other. I just want my own little corner of Azeroth to play in. The way things are is frustrating, but it’s manageable. If it gets worse… I dunno, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it I guess.
I keep saying this, but it really is a shame! This version of the game is so good.
Microsoft/Blizz ought to leave Era as it is, and just let us play. The servers all have some activity, whether it’s a busy place like Whitemane or a quiet place like Grobbulus. Do this, Microsoft, and we will keep paying you.
Can we get some action on this please?
Put some hurdles in place so the bots can’t just get free transfers when ever they like to transfer their botted gains across realms.
Make the free transfers once 1 year? Make them unavailable to under level 40 AND make it once every 6 months? There must be some appropriate options.
Arugal has 99% bots with no action from Blizzard except once in a blue moon. New players drop in and see bots everywhere and just don’t bother.
That was said I believe on Twitter account or something by a blizzard employee. Disgusting if they think so, IMO they have a hand in that botting or benefit from it directly if that is true.
Yea, it’s really disappointing. It feels like there’s just no respect for the players anymore. If they’d actually police their game and make a positive player experience I would happily pay them $30 a month as a sub fee…
But nope, they’d rather just release a new store mount for 90 bucks