Stop free transfers off low pop servers

Bots continue to grow on Arugal.

Bot mages get leveled rapidly in Shadow Fang Keep, Scarlet Monastery and Mara. The fully fledged mage bots farm Mara in high numbers, Zul’Farrak and Black Rock Spire.

Arugal also has a lot of bot farmers out in the world too.

There is no market on Arugal and the AH is empty. But Whitemane and high pop servers get flooded with freely transferred mats and gold.

Stop the free transfers!


Funny thing is the mage bots are there in large numbers on Whitemane itself. A watched a guy mind control them off the bridge leading to UBRS down to a pit where the bots got stuck. It was like ants in a trap, mage after mage down in the pit, unable to escape,


This is very annoying because Blizzard waits forever to ban them in a wave. And the worst thing is that Blizzard can easily spot them doing it EVERY DAY.

Running your bot on multiple servers is the go I suppose. Whitemane you may get reported but can hide a bit better. Arugal you easily get spotted but there are so few people reporting you, you are almost free to do what you want and give the finger to Blizzard.

Nope, I want to go on creating new characters there, and attract frineds and family too. Locking a realm is ultimately killing it.
Stop the free transfer off - or stop it for new players at least.

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The number of bots on Arugal is growing fast.

The flow of bots from Mara to Nigel’s Point and back in crazy. Estimate at least 100-150 bots working Mara. /who has a cap of 50 so god knows how many are really inside. Desolace shows about 30 mage bots and these are just those on the way to or from Nigel’s Point.

32 bots in Black Rock Spire as well.

Honestly, lately the instance farming bots are rampant on Whitemane. They are everywhere, like an infection.