Stop forcing us to be sweaty speedrunners for loot

Thought they were at first, but I guess not.


People want the loot. Take it away and people won’t play.

Last time I checked, this is a game??? how is there Psychological pressure? You either time it or dont, move on to the next key.

Yeah understandable still got to look into weak auras though always sounded complex so been kinda anxious about it but well it could provide extra assistance for me

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I asked you a question :

The question is off topic, I’m just curious.

That Blizzard wants to turn into an E-sports.

They just don’t care how it happens.

I did and it was better designed than this.

But your’e doing regular live keys, not MDI. Where is the pressure?


I can walk you through it in just a couple of minutes. No real deep dive needed, you just need to know exactly what you’re looking for.


You know, you can ignore the timer. Then the dungeon is like Classic, with a vault bonus.

All you need is friends…


Because there are idiots that will look at the timer, feel like it won’t be made and then do stupid stunts, like pulling way more then needed, thus wasting time to meet%, or more then the group can handle, thus leading to a wipe and more time wasted.

At least if it was more open on what was needed, or what each point of completion did, one could be like “ok, we won’t make time at this rate, but we can still come in just slightly over and break even if we can avoid deaths and kill more mobs”.

Group run resume.

Remember this :

Not a good reason.

How OP was flower power lol

Difference is that game is pick up and play with WoW it isn’t.

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whispers there is none.

Yes I am very serious :dracthyr_tea:

If your doing keys for gear then do 14s gives the same end dungeon ilvl gear that a 15 does and its very easy to make the timer, if your decent enough you can solo dps it even if the other two dps are licking windows or something

Pretty sure there is.

I can play Mario 64 on my own time without having to be worried about competing for world first in speed runs.

Whereas WoW is designed to punish players who just want to take their time.


Okay, well, whatever you need to tell yourself. It’s just a little weird that more eyes were on an ESO expac reveal than a WoW one. Usually an expansion is a bit of a big deal.

Based on what?

Nah, not really. I can give my feedback on why I don’t do the content. Because it has a timer. Because it encourages GoGoGo andies.

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