Stop forcing us to be sweaty speedrunners for loot

Tbh just hiding the thing would be helpful for me so if you have a serious solution love to know, like the ways it negatively effects me are minimal just stress and well more information my brain has to try and process. Unfortunately though for others timers are more serious so hiding them won’t do the trick and I feel it’s unfair to punish them for something they have no control over.

I don’t see how making WoW accessible to everyone is a bad thing if anything it is a good thing and helps the game alive :dracthyr_shrug:
Just unfortunate that a lot of these forms of accessibility are via addons two examples in my case being VuhDo which helps me heal and DBM which well helps with like processing whats happening in encounters and what I’m supposed to do.

Bluntly put, anything that is made for everyone is going to be awful by necessity.

Did you know you can go into the interface and change your party interface to raid frames, and that they are customizable? The base UI can be made (easily) into a far better healing interface than those old awful addons people were using 12 years ago. Not meant as an insult either btw, it will definitely help you.

if :clap: YOU :clap: aint :clap: SWEATY :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :clap: 24/7 :clap: YOU :clap: aint :clap: a :clap: GAMER :clap: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :ocean:


Notices the timer sitting in the corner.


WoW’s still successful with its current model, you think? I’m just wondering because it’s weird they’re using MUs to show to shareholders and not overall sub numbers to WoW itself. How many players do you think WoW has now? Do you think WoW is still doing well?

That’s really not impressive. The average adderall slamming M+ runner is probably knocking out a key every 5 minutes or something? Only takes a handful of people like that to skew any number.

That, and, how many of those keys are low level keys with negligible timers on them? How many are staying on that treadmill? If the timers at low keys are so incredibly generous, why have them at all?

I have often felt that the timer should be in, but not the sense it is the only way to determine things like key level adjustment and reward.

I’d rather see a ranking system akin to how some single player games have it, where you are given a grade on completion. The grade can be an average of 3 parts, in the case of M+: time, enemy forces and deaths
the grade rankings for each would be as follows:
S: the best of the nest, 0 deaths, 101%+ on forces, 3 chesting
A: good, but not the best, averaging about 1-5 deaths per person, 90-100% on mobs, 2-3 chesting
B: good, but needs practice to push much higher, averaging 6-10 deaths per person, 80-89% on mobs, 1-2 chesting
C: average, 11-20 deaths per person, 70-79% on mobs, 1 chesting to just over time
D: below average, 20-30 deaths per person, 60-69% on mobs, over time by more then 10-49%
F: pure failure, 31+ deaths per person, 59 and lower % on mobs, over time by 50+%

An S in deaths and mobs and a C on time could average out to a B or an A and the rewards key wise would be:
S: +4 to key level
A:+3 to key level
B:+2 to key level
C: no change to key level
D:-1 to key level
F: key destroyed, have to start again from scratch.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Removing the timer from Mythic+ doesn’t make the game more accessible, it will only further dumb down the experience! It’s very similar to the people that whined about Elden Ring’s difficulty! Without said difficulty, it’s lesser of an experience for everyone else!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Good thing there are 3 versions of classic you can play.

I have a timer on to bake my cake, ain’t nothing speed running that.


That’s the challenge though. There are other forms of content in this game that don’t have timers.

Beyond that, not every game needs to be accessible to every person. There are games and activities I can’t do, like most people, but this one I can.

Yea. By every viewable metric, it’s still successful.

Every estimate site estimates over four million players, which is more than any other MMO on the market.

It would help if you actually participated in content before you just make silly statements like this if you wanted to be taken seriously.

Practice. Effort. Even if nominal, still matters and are conerstones in an MMO (especially the most successful MMO in history and to this day.)

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Only if you forget to set it and it burns the cake.

Cooking doesn’t mesh well with the psychological draw that a running out a sand timer does in a MMORPG that controls loot thresholds.

You don’t create more cakes for setting the timer correctly.

But the timer does all this. Literally the timer is the universal death/dps/ennemy count check. If under timer, you did enough dps, while not dying too often, to kill the proper number of ennemies.

Why complicate such an elegant minimal solution.

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Yeah I’m trying that in the Beta and tbh still prefer VuhDo offers like timers on hots and I cam use scroll up and scroll down as hot keys which isn’t available with what WoW offers base so :dracthyr_shrug:

Like will usually put my spells I need to be more quick with on a scroll wheel like for example my dispel is always scroll up.

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But the timer is set, it’s in the corner.

The point is : not all timers equate to speed runs.

Yes it does.

It’s a psychological pressure to perform, especially when there is gold, silver and bronze standards to finishing that run in an allotted time.

If it works for you, it works for you. A decent weak aura suite and the base UI work exceptionally well. I’ve seen people’s UI’s who use VuhDo and get queezy looking at it.


nah it is incredibly boring because of the insane repetition and incredibly low drop rates and low currency acquisition

glad you like it but player retention is rock bottom, it didn’t keep more than it chased away

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LOL are you serious right now



Completely off topic. Did you ever play Super Mario Bros. as a kid ?