Stop forcing us to be sweaty speedrunners for loot

It is most certainly not a lie. If your damage is so low that you cannot time a 15 without rushing then the timer is not the problem. lol

15s are an actual joke. You don’t even need a healer if you know what you’re doing.

Git gud kid.

I mean you can make up people to prove your point if you want to, that’s really not at all involved in whether or not the timer is necessary. It isn’t. You can play Diablo 3 right now if you’d like.

Neither of those things are required in the genre.

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You can play Assassin’s creed right now if you’d like.


Okay. Hop into arena with no practice. Just raw dog it. Let me know how it goes. Hop into a mythic raid without context and experience. I’d be interested to know the results.


Every single MMO I have played have required practice and effort to progress at max level.

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Mythic plus is the most casual friendly to get gear and also the timer gives you just enough time to do the whole dungeon.


Yeah! There are better reasons to sweat, but loot is not one of them!

Nah, that’s okay. WoW is nothing like assassin’s creed generally, but M+ is exactly like Diablo 3’s greater rifts.

Literally no one does this anymore.

Mythic raids don’t have timers either.

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So the only thing in the real world is games? Nothing else is of enough interest to you that you would consider anything non-game as a “real world challenge”?

Now I see why you think that every collector in the real world is doing it to try to lord their pretties over everyone else and make them feel bad, as you do with your FOMO in wow.

Too bad you seem to have a disconnect with reality. Meet some real people and don’t try to convince them that their lives are of no value if they do not score in the top .1% in some random barely popular videogame?


May I introduce you to berserk timers


You make posts rife with intellectual dishonesty and stupidity. Low effort troll. Good luck trying to cry into existence whatever training wheels version of the game you need on the forums.


The timer is essential to M+. It was meant to be competitive from the outset. That doesn’t mean it excuses bad behaviour, but if you don’t want a competitive environment, don’t do M+, because that’s exactly what it was intended to be.


You really do not know the meaning of the phrase “intellectual dishonesty” if you think I was being intellectually dishonest about literally anything I said, including the literally (not figuratively but actually 0) people playing arena in this awful game anymore.

Thanks! Hopefully I get the changes I like. If I don’t, I’ll be fine. I’ll just continue to not do M+. If I do, it’d ruin the game for you. Seems like an imbalance of expectations.

Not even remotely the same as the entire dungeon run being timed.

So why the hell are you here advocating for piss poor changes to a game mode you don’t participate in?

I truly wish the 15 ‘solo players’ on the forums would just unsub.


Because it’s a poor system that fits like a square peg into a round hole and it has knock-on effects on the rest of the game. It, and mythic raiding, are behind the obscene ilvl bloat seen in the game. Because people absolutely need their mythic gear to be 50 ilvls ahead of everyone else, because it’s not actually about the game it’s about the dopamine and seratonin drip. Because it’s never actually about the challenge like people say it is.

Before the game lost 90% of it’s population, casual players by far made up the lion’s share of this game’s population. Since the mass exodus from the game, losing the 2 guilds that still do mythic raiding, and the handful of people still doing m+ would actually be a deathblow to this game.

Perhaps that’s why they should ruin these systems.

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Sure it is.

For m+ the dungeon run is the event.

For a mythic raid, each boss individually is an event.

You can see this by what gives loot. A mythic boss gives the reward. The dungeon run gives the reward.

Trying to equate an entire mythic raid as being the same thing as a dungeon run is completely dishonest.


But you get another shot at the loot if you don’t make the mythic boss timer.

And you get a shot at loot if you dont make the m+ timer.

of course it isn’t. WoW is a game about gear. That’s literally it. That’s why people play it, and that’s why it has been so successful over the years.

This is that stupid and intellectually dishonest thing I was talking about. You just completely ignore reality and spew stupidity.

They still do. M+ is the ultimate casual content. You’re conflating the word casual to mean garbage player who is so intolerant to any form of effort or difficulty in game that they claim a title and attempt to weaponize it to pressure Blizzard to turn this into an awful game.

More of this stupidity. Raiderio had more than 5 million keys logged in the second week of M+ this season. I’d be interested to see what your interpretation of anything more than a handful is.


okay, yes, it’s true. if your 295 dps are capping out at 5k overall dps, or people can’t stay alive and you’re got 50+ deaths, you’ve probably going to have trouble timing 15s.