Stop forcing us to be sweaty speedrunners for loot

Id do M+ if it were slow. I love a breezy run. But how do we enforce that?

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It is slow, though.

Maybe just get better. The timers are super lenient.

It’s really because you don’t agree, but mask as however you wish.

It is not slow

  1. I dunno, you don’t need that mentality to finish +15s. Don’t dawdle?

  2. Consider not pugging all the time. Make friends and run with them instead.

30-40 minute runs are quite slow and relaxed. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Nope. This isnt correct.

No, he is correct and maybe you should figure out what you’re doing wrong if you think they are not slow.

Well, there might be at least a handful of people on Classic that are interested in 3 hour dungeon runs.

You don’t have to do giga pulls to clear +15s as long as people are doing appropriate damage. You can literally go pack by pack if playing with competent people who can clear +15s. It may not always be fast (or you may brush close to the timer), but I’d know, I’ve healed those kinds of groups.

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And yet, tanks do. You dont need a meta comp for a +6, and yet, leaders mandate it.

You dont need to be a sociologist to understand the culture of M+

Sure, because some people want to go faster and get done.

Personally, I LIKE pug culture. But I’m a weirdo that doesn’t really give a damn what people think of me when pugging and doesn’t take bad behavior personally.

If you don’t like the world of pugging in M+, run with friends.

I dont like M+ speed runs so i dont do M+

They might test the waters with a big pull if they think the group is capable. Generally 15s are super slow and chill, though, especially this season where 20s feel like 15s.

Thankfully they aren’t speed runs. :dracthyr_love_animated: People ran Grimrail in 4-5 minutes during Wod.

You’d have somebody die after the first boss, get rezzed, start the dungeon, have them accept it so they pop up on the ramp to trigger rp, both your Shaman would pull all the orcs in the first room to charge up a soul cap, you’d run into the first boss and each cap one, then be on the train within like 30 seconds of starting the dungeon.

Then you’d pull the entire train into the second boss.

THAT was speed.

Then continue not doing them? I’m confused. Why do you care if you don’t do them?

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People just want to whine.

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Because this is GD and we have strong opinions about how to fix stuff we haven’t and likely won’t ever engage in.


So what I’m hearing is I should start dragging pet battles and shout about having them removed?

Hmm. That could be fun, actually. Would probably get flagged for trolling pretty quickly though. :confused:

Totally agree why i dont play retail