Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

Yeah, plenty of catch-up, you get right on that while sitting on the bench.

Oh, i would have refunded if they were offering it right then, but they didn’t until later.

We don’t run a bench

Nah, you wouldn’t.

Everyone runs a bench unless you’re not doing any kind of raiding that matters. You always have one or two guys that can’t make it and you need people to rotate in and out for those circumstances.

We don’t shoot for world anything, and we don’t want people to pay to not play. We’re all pretty flexible and if we can’t raid a week of mythic we just do other things. We’re all RL friends

Do you also unsbscribe those weeks and ask for a refund because you’re bored ?

Dude, you’re all over. You’re just whining to whine at this point. Delay is fine, patch is gonna be fine, pre-season being longer if it needs to will be fine.

M+ exists you know.

Will you two stop it
What are you trying to prove?

Who cares if beta is buggy or not?
They delayed the game either way.

If it is buggy, its delayed and theyre working on that

If its not buggy… its Still delayed and thats not going to change

There is no need to be at each others throats

But it’s fun.

Obviously, Blizzard does, because they delayed the expansion for the first time since TBC.

okay fine but it wasnt really my point

I don’t need to prove anything, this dude has clearly posted his tears over the delay lol.

no tears just anger and annoyance, I was looking forward to the end of the month, now i have nothing to look forward to after prepatch.

Nah, there were definitely tears.

Honestly, if they were going to put us into a position that would push raid out 5-6 weeks, I’d rather they just delay the expansion and leave us in prepatch.

you’re just trying to get your fries salted, sorry this is a no-fry zone

Considering you provide enough salt for everyone, I think I’m good.

nah, no salt here, you’re confusing annoyance and anger with salt

No, I’m not.