Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

My wife would be playing right with me.

Cool, welcome to the world of anecdotal evidence, again.

As is yours!

Except it’s not, it’s an actual bug lol.

Also, I’m betting on the 17th, not the 1st, 24th at the latest.

Are you going to cry and say you want a refund again if it doesn’t come out?

I mean, not everyone is seeing them, so it’s anecdotal

It’s not anecdotal if it’s a well established issue lol.

No, I’ll jsut refund it, I’m not sitting through 6 weeks of no end game. Maybe if they release M+ and rated pvp it’ll be fine, but 6 weeks of just mythic dungeons and torghast is awful.

So at least we won’t have to see a grown man cry, thank goodness.

I wasn’t crying in the first place lol, just angry

Seemed pretty salty.

no, just flat out anger.

I could see some salt welling up in those eyes.

nope, nothing to salt your fries with, unless you like angry fries

I mean you cried about refunding so I’m pretty sure I’m correct.

You have a weird definition of crying, refunding something that doesn’t meet your expectations is pretty much the norm.

Cool, see you in January. You won’t mind sitting some, since you’re not as progressed as everyone right ?

But you aren’t refunding anything lol. It was literally a child like outburst from, what I would assume, is a grown man.

Lol, as if there wasn’t massive catchups in this expansion.