Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

yessir you are

No, you were clearly leaking some salt infused liquids over the delay.

nope, that was annoyance, I was looking forward to something to do at the end of the month even if it was a buggy mess like always.

And it’ll probably still be a buggy unbalanced mess even after the delay.

I know, you were annoyed to the point of tears. We get it man, you cried and wanted a refund but are now backtracking from your child like outburst. It’s ok, just wipe those tears away and everything will be good. Go hug your “wife” and move on, the world will keep rotating.

More content earlier is better than less content. It also gives people time to take it more casually during the holidays, it’s win win.

Idk, i’d rather have access to at least M+, mythics are on a weekly lockout so it’s not like you can spam them for something to do.

Maybe it won’t, who knows, stranger things could happen.

It will rotate just like your tears will flow, it’s a constant.

I mean, if it’s flowing like my tears then we’re all doomed cause it’s stopped dead.

Nah, those tears flow like a wild river.

Negative sir, dry as a bone.

Based on your posts, I have to disagree.

Once again, you confuse annoyance and anger with salt.

Not really confusion based around your posts.

Not really, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

I know this is a troll but don’t worry I already did.

This situation is kind of good for me and what I wanted to begin with. I was originally hoping for a December release date because I figured COVID had to impact them somehow and when they gave an October release date I was surprised. These last few weeks with no pre-patch and no updates left me suspicious so while I didn’t expect a delay I also wasn’t all that surprised.

Now I don’t imagine that the delay will only be 2-3 weeks long which means we’re realistically looking at a December release date if they hold true to a release later this year (but they could go back on this too). If they do release mid December I get to take less PTO for more overall time off with the holidays and that’s what I wanted to begin with.

Yay me people. Yay me.

I sleep great but that doesn’t change the amount of crying that you have done since the delay announcement.

Glad we can agree it was none

More than welcome to quote where none was stated.

It’s right there, just look really hard at yourself.