Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

Guys, it’s not that hard. It’s still almost a month out. Cancel the time and reschedule it when we know for sure. It’s that simple. 95% of you should have no trouble with this at all.

Very few people don’t have the ability to reschedule their PTO. We are weeks out and most Schedules aren’t made yet.

Stop whining as if you have no other option. Just cancel and update later- done.

If all else fails you are a freaking grown up that got time off of work for a video game…live with it (I did the same thing here but I am just rescheduling my time off- easy).


I didn’t take time off of work, but I can assure you that you are speaking from personal experience with your job and not everyone’s personal experience will reflect your own.

Please do not make assumptions about the company is that people work for and how flexible they are and taking their time off just to call them whiny.


They whine because they feel they are entitled to something that doesn’t exist. People who whine about this stuff is why games of all kinds are in the terrible states that they are in.


So you think people haven’t been whining on the forums? Wow, what are you reading that the rest of us are not?


I have read that plenty of people are whining. But you insulting them and making a new thread doesn’t really solve the issue, does it? It throws gasoline on it.


TBF, the game will likely release in the middle of the busiest holiday season in the US. Even in my job thats very flexible, its tough to get time off approved between Thanksgiving and Christmas


Not really. It seems like these people don’t know how to fix the problem they are talking about. I gave them a solution. That is all. I didn’t see any other threads talking about this as I checked.

The only issue is that your solution doesn’t work for everyone. And it also implies that you think that the majority of these people are unintelligent enough to even begin to fathom the idea of rescheduling their time off. I’m sure that most of them have already thought about that and the opportunity isn’t available for them.


This is legitimate. Canceling the time in October shouldn’t be too hard but possibly getting it again late November or December could be. Fair point.

Sure. To when?

If Blizzard repeatedly stated a release date and then backed it up and some folks scheduled time around that and they can not reschedule, they arent whining, they are airing valid grievances. People who come on here constantly using the term “whining” are the ones actually doing that…


I know a fair number of industries that don’t allow time off for those months.


That’s a generalisation and you must realise that it can’t always be done. I don’t know how it is in the US, but here scheduling leave time can be tricky; Human Resource departments will often organise things for people depending on their particular situation (such as children requiring care etc) and there are also the self-employed who need to organise other staff to take their place, or people who have contracts that need to be scheduled. It’s not as simple as switching something on a calendar.


I just find it odd that before this I saw countless threads about not releasing the xpac until it was ready and they would be fine with delaying, even asking for it to be delayed… now they actually did it all I see is complaining about delaying lol.

What kind of self-important idiot would make a post like this?

Less than a month is an extremely small amount of time for a large number of jobs. Any job with time-sensitive elements is unlikely to be able to easily rearrange time off that quickly. Not only is it the case that many jobs can’t rearrange time off, it is ALSO the case that because it can’t be arranged, that time just goes into the ether, since in many parts of the world travel is extremely limited right now.

Blizzard showed a great deal of disrespect to their consumers by leaving the announcement this late.

You lambast others and say they should act like grown-ups, when you’re doing the exact opposite. There is nothing childlike about expecting professional companies to act professionally when you are their consumer.


In the year of 2020, where everything ever has been either delayed, canceled, postponed indefinitely or just out right abandoned and forgotten. No, these people do not have valid grievances, they are entitled and we probably don’t need them playing this game anyway. They also never constantly or consistently backed up that release date, they said it once only.


shrugs You made a post about your strong opinions. It’s only fair that you would be receiving some strong opinions in return. Your post had the intention of stirring drama so don’t act too innocent here.


And most people would have delighted with a delay that meant a better expansion - with enough warning.

Had they announced this earlier, things might have been a lot simpler. It’s not like the alpha and beta testers and the content creators out there haven’t been asking for this to be done for months.


True enough.


“I don’t have issues rescheduling my PTO, and I represent everyone. Stop whining”