Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

LOL again, ignorance is a real problem.

I’m not sure how literal bugs and broken mainline features of an expansion are anecdotal.

Because they’re obviously not happening to everyone.

Blizzard will probably end up releasing on December 1st, and not open raiding until January, making this the longest pre-season ever.

You won’t need your PTO to be “raid ready” (not that most people who took PTO For this were ever gonna raid anyway).

Classes doing half the DPS of other classes was happening to everyone.

2 Bosses being completely redesigned 1 month out was also happening to everyone.

Monks being utterly broken (as in their spells don’t even work) was happening to all monks.

Again, you are just blinded by your fanboyism and ignoring the issues.

That would be a disaster, 5-6 weeks without anything to do?

I’m not ignoring anything, I haven’t had anything happen to me lately and I believe they can fix the things that are happening.

Except well, leveling, renown farming, getting your gear from M0s, maybe getting an alt ready, crafting your base items, farm honor in BGs.

It would be fine, you’d have plenty to do.

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they always tune after heroic week

There’s time

That’s honestly nothing new, monks have been bugged since mop.

You are ignoring a whole ton of stuff, dude lol. We have already determined that. Seriously, multiple aspects of the expansion are legit broken.

Dude, i was bored of BfA at 3 weeks, 6 weeks would kill the game. I’d rather progress during christmas.

Can you level to 60? Yes, I’ve done it 3 times.

Do the dungeons work? Yes i’ve run them 100s of times.

rest can be fixed as we go.

You can’t tune the game in the state its in currently. If you tune a Soulbind because it’s massively overperforming for one class, you break it further for a class for which its bottom of the barrel.

Yes, obviously, with a delay, there’s time.

Ah yes, “let’s have a class who’s abilities that work on Live literally do not in SL go live”. That’s your hot take. You’re a pipping hot mess.

Then go enjoy 2 weeks of Christmas with your family dude.


Not when you can’t get there.


For one, no one should be exposing their family to anything this year, and another, christmas is only 1 day and my family aside from my wife is 1300 miles away.

It’ll probably launch nov 17 anyway.

yes, you can, you 100% can

Not when the quests break. I’m not sure how many characters I had to delete and remake.

Spend time with your wife then. No guild worths its salt raids during the 2 weeks of holidays.

The point is, that’s most likely what you’re getting. Maybe you shouldn’t have binged on the Beta as hard as you did so the game is now already boring.

I literally leveled a warrior, monk, and druid to 60 before the wipe, never ran into a quest outside of bastion that was broken, and the bastion quests fixed themselves after a bit, and that was a few weeks ago

How can more people be taking personal vacations if it’s harder for people to get it approved?