Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

Rofl, ok. They just revamped the Rogue Venthyr ability and it’s bugged to the point you can only use the thing once. Multiple other classes are having issues with theirs as well.

But yeah, no issues lol.

They still have 3 weeks, plenty of time to fix those high priority things.

That’s no where near enough time, haha. Full on conduits don’t even function and people still can’t swap soul binds.

What? I just swapped soulbinds the other day.

November and December are the MOST requested months off from work in this country and possibly the world. Good luck. saying “Hey Boss, I need to cancel my October vacation for December 8th instead.” I’m sure the other 20+ at your work already have time off those months, short staff is no staff in some industries.

Good for you, welcome to the world of anecdotal evidence.

“It works for me so everything must be fine.”

All you have is anecdotal evidence, it’s anecdotal evidence vs anecdotal evidence

Or you could, I don’t, actually test.

Yep, and that was when the talk on it being too soon started hitting the various forums and youtube vids and such. I get that some people need to book their leave time months ahead and Blizzard don’t have an extensive history of delaying release once its announced. I admit, I was surprised they did delay it and they would be well aware of the problems it would cause some people. I guess, in balance, they decided a better expansion for everyone was worth the angst it would cause for some.

Eh, debatable. It may not be a matter of needing everyone on hand because it’s super busy, but it’s still a stupidly popular holiday season. More people will be taking their own personal vacations around that time, which makes it harder for any individual to get theirs approved. Can’t have too many people taking overlapping vacations.

I have been, for nearly 3 months. I’m on it right now on a new created shaman unlocking maw stuff.

Depends where you are on the ladder also. Actually many factors come into play there.

Doesn’t sound like it from what I’m hearing.

Because I don’t think it’s this mess you do? Believe what you want i guess

Because you apparently are blind to the obvious amount of bugs and broken aspects of the expansion?

Ignorance is a real problem.

Have you worked for every company there? Have you spoken to everyone who holds a job? Have you been to every city of every country? Have you actually any number?

If not, what gave you the confidence to say something like that?

I believe in them to fix them, whatever they are.

I just haven’t had that many issues.

I mean this literally just takes me back to what I said before lol.

Being employed for 30 years and having a pretty good idea what can and can’t be done with PTO.

There will be exceptions, but those will be rare. MOST people will be able to cancel their PTO and use it at a later date.

You can keep your “whataboutisms” to yourself, thanks.

Edit: I’m done with this topic.

Quit your whining and go talk to your boss. Also, grow up and accept that the whole world doesn’t revolve around you and this video game.

And it’s just your anecdotal evidence vs mine again, we’re not going to get anywhere.