Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

So the avg bugs we always have before launch.

And they won’t fix them all even AFTER the delay.

Didn’t know average bugs completely stopped your ability to even play the game.

Haven’t played many beta’s then have you?

Every single one. Which one forced you into a quest line that you HAD to do but was broken and you couldn’t go any further?

It probably was mentioned, but in case it wasn’t there is 1 gigantic flaw in your “argument”.

Pray tell, just what date do people schedule for again?

We’ll even pretend in this little fantasy world of yours that there aren’t any companies who literally require 1+ month worth of advance notice and who totally don’t have other staff who undoubtably already reserved time for the thanksgiving and christmas holidays…sometimes often years in advance because, you know, those dates are always sought after and happen at the same time every year.

So by all means…educate the obviously “dumb” people who couldn’t figure out on their own this incredibly complicated bombshell of a revelation that clearly solves all their problems with absolutely no other considerations whatsoever.

I’ve had that happen multiple times. Dead quest chains are not uncommon during beta, it would have been fixed before launch, they always are.

Didn’t answer my question.

Yes, I did, I don’t catalog every quest i’ve ever done on every beta, I just know it’s happened before.

So those quests stopped you from going any further in the game?

Yes, I know i ran into bugs in legion right up til the end with the artifact acquisition

Weird considering no such quests have existed before in this games lifespan.

Yes, there has, there’s always been quest lines that you HAVE to do.

There was bugs with the legion artifact quests right to the end that stopped progression.

Yeah no, sorry. I know you are sad about the delay but you are just blinded by fanboyism at this point. Game needed to be delayed and it was the correct decision.

It did not, and it’s not fanboyism, it’s i need to get out of bfaism.

I love SL, I want it now.

It did and it is, sorry. Game is ridiculously broken.

I dare the OP to get time off in Retail in November or December in the US. Dare.

Why should i believe your experience over my own?

Because I’m not blinded by my own fanboyism?

The October 26 release date for Shadowlands was announced on August 27. That’s barely over one month ago.

I’m not blinded, I’m just not seeing the issues you are, I had issues on my first characters leveled but none since then, i’ve basically been living in beta since i got it a few months ago