Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

Different people have different opinions, more at 11.

This arguement is dumb. Developers don’t see it the same way as testers as they are the creator. This is the reason why many people have others review their work, in every aspect of life. You see things the creator doesn’t see, you aren’t motivated by stockholders, and you aren’t being pushed by Activision to meet a set date that you did not decide. Beta testers usually are more aware of game issues than developers, because that is the POINT of beta testing.


2020 and people still think less of video games than other hobbies. Maybe we’ll have better luck in 2030

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Yeah, they couldn’t have possibly cared about the negative feedback they were getting from testers. That could never have effected their decisions.

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We really needed another thread whining about other people. There weren’t enough of them today.

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I dunno, why didn’t Blizzard’s new hires develop their own game instead of coming in and ruining WoW?

I understand why its frustrating, of course you want to plan your free time for something you enjoy.

But I think it’s less about Blizzard and more about how difficult it is to either A) have vacation time or B) schedule ample time off work with great flexibility. The fact that so many people have such difficulty with these two very important aspects of life should be a huge red flag for work/labor in the U.S.

Working people without immense wealth or property are at the mercy of a vicious labor system. Yet we blame Blizzard for polish instead of our labor system for screwing us and leaving us with crumbs.

Ruined WoW? Could have fooled me. If the game is ruined then you’re in luck because there is a plethora of games out there waiting on you. Which new hires “ruined” the game anyway, or was that just something that sounded good to run down Blizzard? lol

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^ Everyone, this is the kind of white knight that was saying everything was fine when it obviously wasn’t, and the initial launch date turned out to be hopelessly optimistic.

I didn’t expect you to actually solidify the pretend fact you stated, I fully expected you to rev up some good old fashioned ad hominem. You didn’t disappoint.

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Looking forward to later release as i get 2 weeks off for christmas holidays regardless, #feelsgoodman

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Welcome to being upset at something lol, i’m not as upset today.

That’s good, nice to see you grew up.

Oh, i still think it’s crap they delayed.

Good for you but unfortunately, it was needed.

Not in my opinion, I’ve been on beta for months and it’s no worse than any other beta.

So have I and frankly, you are wrong.

I mean, I’ve leveled 3 characters to 60, run 100s of dungeons and done raid testing, don’t really see what they’re delaying over.

Its not that simple for some and as for the complaining part they should of gave a more advance heads up. Plus your just complaining about them complaining

Because the game is bugged to hell? Everytime they patch something, something else breaks. A lot of people are stuck leveling because quest lines are broken. Classes are doing less than half the damage of others, mobs aren’t spawning, dialogue not playing, conduits not functioning, can’t switch covenants, class abilities broken, etc., etc.