Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!


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As others have said, releasing Shadowlands in Nov/Dec is fine. That’s what was widely expected, anyway.

When the Oct. 27 date was announced, a ton of people (including myself) said that seemed WAY TOO EARLY.

And we were right.

I don’t fault Blizzard for releasing SL in Nov/Dec. I fault them for announcing a hopelessly optimistic release date.


the count down on the main page, the release date being in every afterlives short, having the release date (once it was announced) listed on the preorder for the game, having the release date on both the main page and the blizzard launcher…

all these together don’t count as "constantly and consistently " backing up the release date??

I understand their reasons for the delay, but they really should have announced the delay sooner. from what my guildmates who are in beta have told me, there are still many bugs that are game breaking.


“most people don’t experience the problem. therefore, the problem doesn’t exist.”

If a video game release being delayed gives you anything more than surface level dismay - you need to re-evaluate your life.

End of story.


People who come to the WoW forums and post on their WoW accounts to talk down to people who play WoW are hilarious.


^^100% this

In the adult world things can change at the drop of a hat, especially in the business world. This is something that many people will need to understand.

They are acting professional, they are delaying a release to work on something that they feel shouldn’t be released. I couldn’t think of a more good-business thing to do.


Just so you know, this isn’t exclusive to retail.

LOTS of jobs have this. You won’t find too many jobs inside the US that don’t have to deal with holiday scheduling.

I’ve worked retail in the past. I haven’t worked it in years. My job now STILL has issues with holiday scheduling.

When this launch happens, I may or may not be able to take time off. However, time at the end of October is ABSOLUTELY able to be cancelled and used later.

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i think the larger issue is not that it was delayed, but the short notice of the delay. and announcing the release date when testers were reporting game breaking bugs. If i were in these peoples shoes, thats what would’ve bugged me the most. i have little problem with the delay. am i disappointed? yes. I was counting down the days. it was the one thing i was looking forward to this month. with covid and my family being higher risk of mortality should we contract it, we can’t really go out and do things we usually would this time of year. for me, SL was a light to focus on. if this were a normal year, i’d still have halloween to look forward to, and SL being delayed would actually be a good thing for me.

as i said, i understand, but its still disappointing and now i have to find something else to keep my spirits up until either SL launch or thanksgiving. or christmas, since we might not do our usual thanksgiving celebration this year. sigh stupid covid.

One could argue that if you’re spending time on a videogame forum, you care more about it than at a surface level. Most people don’t even go on the forums, if you’re here you must be preetty dedicated. Wow forums are a WEIRD place to discriminate against people for caring about wow.

This is when most industrial companies try to start setting their employees time off requests in stone. They are not going to close the factory for Thanksgiving, New Years, or Christmas so they won’t be for a video game release either.

The only way people in these positions could change is to ask an employee to trade before speaking with their manager. If that employee has made plans already, then the chance of them trading is slim.

Nothing wrong with releasing it in Nov/Dec. But they were incredibly UNprofessional to announce a ridiculously optimistic October release date in the first place.

EVERYONE IN THE BETA (except the usual white knights) said when the Oct. 27 date was announced that the game wouldn’t be ready by then.

No, they absolutely do not. When business plans change at the drop of a hat, it means that something has gone wrong. That’s fine, it does happen. It’s not just something to accept as the status quo.

So, you can’t see that delaying a release they feel shouldn’t be released with 3 weeks warning is significantly worse than delaying a release they felt shouldn’t be released with 6 or 9 weeks warning?

I mean, it doesn’t exactly take a stretch of logic.

The delaying of the release is not the unprofessional part; the lack of communicating that change in a timely fashion to their customers is.


Some people can’t and some suffer a black out of days in November/December.

Me, I can walk into work on a day I scheduled off, cancel the PTO, and reschedule. So yes, I’ll be rescheduling.

Hahaha that’s hilarious.

How many times have you read the Bell Jar?

It really depends on your field of work honestly.

Retail/Food Service/Utility work? Yeah you’re right.

Pretty much everything else, shouldn’t be a problem.

Everyone in the beta doesn’t mean anything. Everyone in the beta are not game developers, they are nothing more than beta testers. Nothing more, nothing less. Many beta testers don’t even know what a beta test is even for, many think beta testing is there to tell Blizzard to change up whole systems simply because they don’t like it.

So anyways, in the end, beta testers saying something when they aren’t game developers doesn’t mean much.

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You’re right, it’s been shown time and time again that the beta testers are smarter than the developers.

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“hahaha that’s hilarious, nay, I am a cultured forum lurker who is DEFINITELY not as degenerate as everyone else on these forums”

If that’s the case then why haven’t the beta testers developed a game that can knock WoW off of the throne? lol

I guess we’ll just wait on Bellular.


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