Stop complaining about PTO- reschedule!

I mean the only thing I see are the salty pools from your tears.

Must have rained near you then, no tears here.

Yes, rained from your tear brimmed eyes.

Sure it’s not yours at this point, because we’re drier than a witch’s… you know… over here right now.

I don’t know, I’m more than welcome to quote your QQ post again for your reference, if you would like.

Man, you must have a confusing life if you constantly confuse anger and annoyance with salt and tears

It was heavily laced with tears. I could seriously see you “literally shaking right now.” Oh my gosh, the tears of a supposed grown man, it was a site to behold.

No shaking, must be confusing myself with your own wet dog

Well if you would stop crying all over him, he wouldn’t be so wet.

I don’t know who’s crying on you, but you should probably make sure your door is locked, crazy people going around crying on people I guess

I mean I’m talking to you, on these forums and your tears are flowing like the salt infused ocean waters that they are.

I see no tears here, must be on your end, maybe call 911 and tell them someone broke into your house

Plenty of tears, we only have to look at your post history.

Not a single tear, you are confused

Not confused, you QQed over the delay. It was pretty pathetic.

I expressed anger and annoyance over the delay, not QQ, you must be confused as to what QQ is

Nah, no confusion, you cried hard. I mean an actual man would have just went on with their lives, not cried over a video game delay.

real people express anger when something angers them

And I guess in your case, tear up uncontrollably.

Once again, no tears, just anger and annoyance. Still annoyed at the delay