OK your getting better but still not there yet
I’d attempt to put more effort in, but you clearly lack the will, or ability to reciprocate.
I’m pretty sure nothing I say will convince GD otherwise so
Why should I put effort into a conversation that will go no where?
You may need to take time off from this game if it getting to you this much
It’s not group cooperation, it’s literally you doing your job lol. It’s a team effort, but as long as everyone’s job is done well, then it’s fine.
They’re neither, especially when they put up with bad dps who stand in things just to get 1 more hit out.
That’s fine, cool.
Tradition is, in many cases, a good argument in favor of most things, actually. Iterations are nice, but people do tend to go soft.
Honestly, no, tanks should not have a single heal button nor should DPS. Tanks should have defensives n whatnot that make them take the damage and mitigate it, but never be able to heal it, including Blood DK and Prot Paladin ,actually. They should redesign those tanks, and every tank.
The tanks should be taking the damage of the group, and mitigating it and mitigating the damage the group takes, like how devotion aura is. How the bear PvP used to be where you took 20% of all damage every ally within X yards was taking got redirected back to you. These are perfect abilities of tanks roles/specs as they are the protectors of the group.
Actually, you mean they don’t get to do only their job they also have to do yours, too? You literally better be applying that logic to real life, too, or again another hypocritical human being right here. You better be helping literally every single person, coworker especially, at your job and doing all of their jobs, then, too cause that’s the same exact twisted logic here with healers throwing in DPS.
It’s not laziness, they did their job. You do yours, better.
I like how you keep throwing out doing other people’s jobs and saying they need to pick up the slack and do it. Real management material right here.
Stand in them all, I only complain when you get 1 shot and then blame me for not healing the 1 shot that I couldn’t save you from.
You are. Do your job better and I’ll do mine when I’m healing.
I don’t ever tell my groups any of that. I only say “if it’s going to kill you, don’t get hit. If you can take the hit, I don’t care.”
If I had my way, tanks would do near almost no damage compared to DPS. They would do, maybe, at best 20% of a DPS player’s damage, nothing more. That’s a very geared tank in full bis, btw, not an undergeared tank. I would, then make threat the same as it was in Legion: Having a 2000% threat multiplier so 1 damage felt like 2k damage being dealt.
Cool, I enjoy this, as it keeps me healing, inflates my healing numbers and keeps me entertained. I tell warlocks to keep Burning Rush on as a Druid since I got HoTs rolling.
Actually, in most mythic cases, healer dps actually doesn’t matter. By the time most casual guilds who do mythic raiding get over to that content it’s been nerfed many times. If it was still like when it first came out or world first stuff, then it’s a different story. World first is also a different story and the only argument I actually support healer’s and others going outside of their job description, mainly because they’re competing for world first. If you’re not first you’re the same as last. 2nd place is 1st loser, so yeah, if you’re not competing for wF then no, it doesn’t matter.
Me I wouldn’t care, as we will still finish the key. The only thing I ever care about, keys wise, is completing it, regardless of it being in time or not. In raids, the only time that matters is if you standing in that fire means 5 people die. Then I will kick you from it for killing other people, not for you standing in something.
Healer damage is bonus damage, not required damage, unless world firsting keys or raids. If you’re doing that, sure, if you’re not, then it is by no means required. World first keys being top end keys.
No, it’s not exclusive. You know what will 1 shot you. If you stand in it, then you stand in it. That’s not the healer’s fault for you dying to that mechanic, that’s your personal fault for not knowing, as a player, what you could and could not take.
I don’t care whether you stand in bad unless said bad is 1 shotting you. I still don’t actually care then, either, unless you complain and think it’s my fault I can’t heal a 1 shot mechanical death. That, in itself, is what I will tell you to move away from, otherwise you’re good to go in my book.
Keep me entertained.
Again I don’t care that you stand in things. If you don’t know your limits and you die, that’s on you for not knowing your limits. If you have 90k HP and this hit deals 91k damage and you know you won’t survive it and stand in it anyways that’s your fault. If it deals 89.5k damage and you live, then die to something else then that’s my fault.
I don’t care whether you leave the fire or not. I’m entertained. I care that you stop thinking it’s my fault if you die to a 1 shot I could not heal you through, nothing more.
Keep standing in it, it’s cool.
Every demographics has healers doing dps. The whole thread is about the general expectation people have for healers as a whole, across the board, and in having them doing damage.
This happens in +2, mythic 0s, 10s, 15s, 17s, 25s, 20s, 30s, it doesn’t matter the key level. The moment it is discovered, and people see how much easier it becomes, it becomes an expectation for the entirety of that role, then, and players doing that role.
Even if all your groups are so bad that they take unavoidable damage and you have to heal 24/7 non stop, a new healer should start learning the game with the intention of doing dps when allowed to.
If your current mindset is that you wont even bother to have your damage spells on your hotbars, blaming the dps is just a coup out as it was clear you had 0 intention to do damage in the first place.
Use your whole toolkit, is there for a reason.
Yes master anything else you demand us to do master?
I disagree. Nothing personal but given how long the game has gone on, the people who prefer the way healing used to be before this new style of healing started becoming more popular are just as valid.
Also the OP doesn’t have any right to talk about people denying their playstyle when they popped off about how they think other people should heal. That’s where the irony of all this is.
I personally throw in DPS when I have the room to do so or when the group is capable, but I will not if I see the situation is too dire. It’s my call based on the situation and the group dynamics. That’s how I choose to play. It is not my right or place to decide how other healers want to heal. It is not right to call them ‘lazy’ or just invalidate their thoughts and feelings as ‘complaining’ either. And it is extremely weird to expect people to respect you when you just insulted them in your title.
Or not, but dont be surprise when the dps take unavoidable damage or fail mechanics in your groups. You dont even try to play the game, why should them?
Healers are lazy and refuse to do anything that will help the group, you’ve all self admitted that.
It’s not like I’m ever going to see any of you “MY JOB IS HEALER SO I DON’T PRESS DAMAGE BUTTONS” people in any content where Healers helping the group beyond the bare minimum is required anyway.
So why should I do more than force you to defeat your own arguments?
If your job is to heal 100% of the time, then my job is to do max DPS 100% of the time. Stop asking me to stand out of the fire, and heal me.
IF you have downtime at work and you tell everyone who comes to you asking for help with their job to go screw themselves, your business isn’t going to succeed and you aren’t going to get promoted.
Stop asking me to stop doing my job to make yours easier by avoiding damage then.
If you can’t heal damage fast enough to avoid a one shot, you can’t do the content.
DPS avoiding damage is bonus avoided healing, not required avoiding healing.
yes it is, it’s not my job to avoid dying, it’s your job to prevent me from dying.
If we wipe to enrage, it’s your fault for not knowing, as a player, that your bonus damage could have avoided the enrage timer.
Not doing enough DPS to help beat enrage is on you for not knowing how to help beat the enrage timer.
If your job is to heal my job is to DPS, I’m not compromising my job so you can take it easy. If you can’t heal me through the damage you shouldn’t be doing the content.
i never am it’s kind of how the game is
I’m sure most healer complaining about doing dps are just as bad aat failing mechanics, as the dps they blame for everything.
Awwwww … Your cute when your get mad
Sure keep telling yourself this … Whatever makes you feel better
Projection much?
If that wasnt true, you wouldnt be on the same group as those dps my friend. As healing is the easiest way to climb out from pug hell and into good groups.
Im not the one raging here
You keep telling yourself that…
Ok… sure if you say so it must be true