Not the blatant, “Oh hai am heals and must stawp healingz to do MOAR deeps, and any1 who does not do deeps is teh bad”.
Back in Wrath you would get the occasional derp group who couldn’t figure out interrupts (looking at you, OK Spell Flingers). Or in BC, Mana Tombs, when the healers mana would get sucked dry and groups wouldn’t pay attention. In general, though, they tended to be few and far between.
Now, I see it infesting everything to a much greater degree. Keep in mind, I am talking ALL aspects of leveling, TW’ing and Slands content. Also bear in mind, that I have many toons I play with (yes, I’m the weird chick who has 6 accounts, keeping 2- 3 current atm). I am not just talking I bring one or three toons in and see this. I am talking MANY toons, across a great deal of content.
Pretty much what I’ve been asking for. Just give them a way to channel damage buffs to the group or something. Now they can contribute to damage without actually doing damage
I still think healers that do damage should get rewarded but I’d be for them giving players options
I don’t see how you ripping threat off tanks is a tank issue. It’s more of a game design issue where Blizz needs to increase threat generation for tanks
It’s a niche issue I guess. There are like 2 melee specs with big threat issues - Fury and Ret. Ret isn’t represented well in keys either so the issue is mainly a warrior thing.
WW monks can spike as high or higher same with FDK but neither has issues with threat. Rogue and SV hunter get a pass because they have misdirect (lucky SOBs).
Because that’s what you’re arguing. Unless you’ve gained some otherworldly mastery of time, the GCD will be spent regardless. Assuming no one needs to be healed your options are to spend that GCD on damage or to spend it on nothing. Which of those options is more valuable?
Well good for you, but players who enjoyed gameplay being more distinctly different between roles are kinda stuck now. No reason to log onto my tank or healer characters now, if they’re going to get played I’ll have to turn them into DPS instead.
yea I know that. I emphasize that even when I’m tanking or when I’m leading. You pull, set up for at most 2-3 seconds, blow it up, stuff comes off cd usually when it comes off cd, and move on. Logic being that mitigation applies just as well to multiple mobs as it does to small pulls. (I played ashen hpal last tier so lived for those big damage bursts from the group)
There’s no sarcasm font here so couldn’t convey that in what I said up there…but most of the people complaining about having to dps at all instead of heal are people that wouldn’t last two seconds in an actually large and hairy pull.
That’s fair tbh. That is the classic trinity and I will say for all this argument has gone back and forth, you still can play that way in the game without judgement and without anyone really being able to say anything meaningful otherwise. As evidenced by this thread as well, there’s no shortage of people that would also be like minded and want to play that way. So tanks could just be tanky, pull slowly and carefully while their cds are up. Healers could focus on healing and keeping health bars full and hearty. Dps could dps and ignore mechanics as there healer has got them with heals to top off.
People back then are just bad, i can guarantee you when the classic WOTLK launch the healer will be doing DPS left and right and clear content 900% more effective and efficient.
Maybe if half the dps would stop standing in the snot so healers only had to heal the tank that can, well, tank the damage, this wouldn’t be so much of an ask
So you want all healer specs to have their damage spells taken away?
As long as it is possible for you to fill your downtime with dps, you should do so.
You cannot ask for a playstyle where you are entirely reactive to damage and only heal it, without removing the playstyles that want to use their entire toolkit to help the group.
If you even got that playstyle you wanted, your spec would never be invited to a group. What person would invite a healer who has to spend 100% of their time healing in order to get the same healing results as say a Disc priest who gets to heal and do damage?
Either you need to make it so every raid has a mechanic where everyone is constantly taking damage and the healer has no time to stop healing, (meaning casual healers cease to exist and prog is never made because you need the best gear to progress which you can’t get because you need to progress to get the best gear), or you have to take away the ability for all heal specs to do damage.
DPS should never be shamed for not doing enough to avoid damage. That’s not OUR JOB! We avoid some damage if we CAN and WANT to. I have experienced some harassment from horrid Healers and sometimes tanks who tried to force me into avoiding damage and I pushed back!
DPS is DPS and Healing is Healing and if you can’t heal me through the fire to finish a boss without me moving to spare you the mana, then maybe you need to look in the mirror for the solution to the problem.
Stop shifting the poor HPS/Damage mitigation blame to DPS. That’s not our primary duty. We can help out with mitigating damage if possible. We are not here for your abuse!
Melee moves to avoid mechanic, boss starts to near enrage, switches back to do damage- enrage hits… Oh well, at least the healer didn’t have to heal through the mechanic for a bit.
Why do you think I don’t play a DPS at all? I might as well play a healer if I’m expected to mitigate damage makes sense?
How is it that every healers response to being told to get better at the game is “WELL YOU DPS ARE TRASH AND THAT FORCES ME TO PLAY BAD”
Like, “Bad players exist, therefore you shouldn’t expect me to play any better” what an insane mindset. With a mindset like that, bad healers exist who don’t do dps, so I shouldn’t move out of the fire and lower my DPS because they’re not going to DPS even if they have down time anyway, might as well have them be healing instead of being AFK.
Making all DPS play the Rogue niche was not a good change for the game. People who want to play a DPS should not be forced into a damage mitigation role.
This is an example of abuse on DPS! DPS need to go on strike and see how you can live without us!
It’s kind of unfair to make the DPS mitigate damage then complain when the raid wipes to enrage because you’re focused on avoiding damage.
Mite as well Heal.
Refer to my above argument
How do you make a reactive role, with diminishing returns, have a 100% uptime without making things wildly unbalanced and forcing out the healers who don’t have the gear for it?
“I shouldn’t have to do damage in higher tier content because in content I play, which is really casual content, there are bad players! We should just remove the ability for Healers to do damage so it’s not expected of us.”
People really think Mythic raid Healers doing DPS between heals means they’re going to be expected to be competing with DPS in LFR.
Says the hunter who’s not even gotten close to AOTC in a thread about high level content LMFAO
Why don’t you just do better healing and leave the DPS standing in fire alone?
No point to play a DPS if I’m expected to mitigate damage right?
Tell me how you would tune content so that Healers are always healing every GCD and are incapable of doing damage?
Because as far as I can tell, either the content is so difficult you need the best gear to heal through it, or you balance it around base gear healers healing 100% of the time, meaning better geared healers can and should DPS inbetween their heals.
you people don’t think for two seconds do you?
So Tanks and Healers should have all damage abilities removed then?
Or is Healing a SACRED act only YOU are allowed to do?
How you guna explain to the paladins that they need to have all of their healing spells removed?
“See, I am against being asked to contribute to damage in mythic content, because in my LFR raids, there are DPS standing in bad, so therefore, ALL dps stand in bad.”
By this logic I SHOULD stand in the bad, because you’re too busy worrying about healing people instead of contributing, I should give you something to do.
“I can’t do DPS, what if someone stands in the bad??? I have to stand here and do nothing to make sure I can heal people who stand in the bad”
“I can’t avoid damage! What if the Healer doesn’t do anything when nobody needs healing? I need to give them something to do and if they’re healing me through the bad, I get higher DPS!”
1: get over yourself
2: I never said anything involving mythic or the like, but when I last did do mythics (m4+ or so back in b4a) I had DPS in the group standing in bad every time (resto sham, you can even look at my account achievements, I got silver proving for heals back in the day, so I’d say I do know my way around a heal or two)
3: It’s people like you, with that kind of attitude, that make people not like to heal/tank in general by acting like your gods gift to gaming, seriously, stop huffing your farts like this is South Park