The joke that I usually tell in my guild is that those things do heal people because preventing future damage is kinda like time traveling healing.
Of course this also means that the best healing spell in the game is killing the enemy since you have now healed infinity future damage, which means DPS are the best healers.
It’s legitimately hard to not dps as a healer if you are playing your spec right (maybe with the exception of druid). The damage is baked into the healing rotation. If you’re playing shaman, you’re going to use your 3 charges of vesper totem and get the burst heal/damage. If you’re hpriest your boon is doing massive damage and healing at the same time.
The only spec that’s going to need to go out of its way to dps is druid. So yeah, you can just never press moonfire/sunfire, and never enter cat form. Doing that in a key is going to (rightfully) get people asking you what you’re doing.
Am I? Cause throughout this thread I have been asking for it to be a viable option ALONGSIDE dps healers. Now I don’t expect you to have read those, it’s a big thread so no worries there. But you literally responded to one of my comments where I listed off ideas to make pure healers viable and make them as complex AS dps healers.
This is legitimately the current reality. You do not have to do any damage whatsoever.
I think that you and advocates against prioritizing healer DPS are upset that current end-game content expects you to do as much damage as possible.
If you join literally any guild in this game, and they are all grouping up after raid to run keys - doing zero damage in a key with your guildies is going to probably stand out. Someone with more experience will coach you on how to be less bad at your spec. If you just refuse to improve then I’m sure less people will be interesting in grouping with you.
This is not restricted to WOW or video games. This is a real life thing that will never go away.
Slightly tongue-in-cheek but imagine the nightmare if we did add buff spells to pure healers. People already can’t handle PI so imagine the fire that’d start on warcraftlogs if DPS players thought they needed to stack buff healers in order to parse well.
Then again maybe it might teach people that playing the warcraftlogs parse game is dumb so who knows?
Maybe this is a bad take but I wonder if the people that only want to heal would be fine with a healer spec/specs designed to amplify DPS damage instead of directly damaging bosses. It would still feel like a support role and could potentially have a high skill cap with it’s management potential while still not missing out on how much dpsing as healer helps a group.
That would be fine with me, since that way I’m sticking to just friendly targets and it’s much more close to my damage output “just happening” by way of doing healing things much as tank DPS “just happens” by way of tanks doing tank things.
It would probably even worse, a lot of folks in this thread are pretending that there is an epidemic of people flaming healers for low damage. I would imagine that something like that might actually occur if healers contribution to damage came in the form of party buffs like windfury or PI or something else along those lines.
I’d rather it be a more mild buff that stays up for long periods, like some of the buffs that are currently gained by the healer just using a healing spell on the target.
Healers should never be shamed for not doing enough or any damage. That’s not OUR JOB! We will do some damage if we CAN and WANT to. I have experienced some harassment from horrid tanks and sometimes dpsers who tried to force me into doing damage and I pushed back!
As a more serious response, my hope would actually be that making external damage buffs more commonplace would get the community to chill the heck out about it.
I’m also subbed to and play FF14 pretty regularly and they have significantly more external buffs than WoW does. To the point that the only specs that can’t boost their party member’s damage (Black Mage and Samurai) are notable because of it. In fact, one of the classes’ entire focus is buffing ONE player in particular. (Dancer) FF14’s community doesn’t seem to get as twisted up in knots about external buffs the way we do despite theirs being far more extreme. Half the strategy of high end raiding there is coordinating all the damage to occur in burst windows every 2 minutes because that’s when all the buffs happen.
If external buffs were more common then my hope would be that warcraftlogs would start doing what ffxivlogs does - differentiate between personal DPS (which doesn’t count how much you buff other people’s damage) and DPS contributed to the raid. (Which does)
Not to open another can of worms but my thoughts on the PI issue has always been that people aren’t angry at WoW for designing PI the way that they have, they’re angry at warcraftlogs for the way that they “score” it.
So, do you carry bandages and actively heal during your DPS cooldowns? I mean, every little bit helps, right?
I get that Pallys can do everything (not as well as folks in classes that specialize, but everything). But DPS is DPS and Healing is Healing and if you can’t do enough DPS to finish a boss without the Healer adding his 2% then maybe you need to look in the mirror for the solution to the problem.
This is backwards thinking. In a key you’re a team, and the goal is to complete the dungeon on time. Healer DPS helps in every possible way to achieve this.
Not seeing an additional phase on a boss, or killing the add that’s causing group-wide AOE damage faster is going to help time the key. The fact that you’re unwilling to participate in all of the aspects of your spec is fine for some content, and very much not fine for other content.
This isn’t changing. Either you have to change your playstyle, or accept being relegated to a subset of all the content the game has to offer.
P.S. You’re not being “shamed”. Stop turning yourself into some kind of victim here that is experiencing a kind of specially cruel behavior. Everyone is playing the same game. Every person on this forum has had someone whisper them that they are bad/etc. When people decide to group with you, and you do something unexpected in a bad way - are they just supposed to allow you to waste their time?
Healer fps matter only if he is disc priest, or paladin, and even then it matters o Lu when dps perfroms every mechanic flawless so that healer doesn’t have to heal them.
As disc healer with group where dps get caught by every mechanic I can’t even reply on atonement to heal. I have to spam SM, on one or two players to bring them above 20% because dps,especially ranged dps like hunters, prefer to finish their cast of AS no matter if they stand on something or are about to get hit by something.
Harassment of any players for any reason is a bad thing. I think we all agree on that. But that doesn’t mean that not dealing damage is suboptimal play and that the room for suboptimal play shrinks the more difficult the content you’re attempting is. I don’t think that every instance of someone pointing out ways to improve your gameplay is an instance of harassment, especially if you’re in content that the group is struggling with and doing damage would be an easy way to score a bit more performance for the group as a whole.
It’s the same thing with people who are doing low damage for their ilvl. It’s not a secret, we can all see the logs. But there’s a harassment way to address the problem and there’s a productive way to address the the problem. Merely acknowledging that the problem exists isn’t harassment.
And if that’s not a gameplay improvement you want to make then power to you. You can play the way you want. But higher content has very real performance requirements that you won’t be able to clear if you deliberately hold yourself back, or at the very least, holding yourself back will increase the performance demands of the other players. If that’s not something you want to confront then it would be better to stick to a difficulty level where that’s not as much of a concern.
I honestly forgot that bandages were in the game. But as a serious answer to this question, the answer comes down to a cost/benefit analysis. That’s why health potions and health stones are commonly used and expected of raiders. Similarly, I get a Predatory Swiftness charge every CP cycle which I can use while pooling energy to slap a Regrowth on someone. Putting that on injured players is objectively better than letting it go to waste.
I don’t entirely remember how bandages work but I don’t remember them being free and oGCD. Odds are they cost too much in exchange for how much healing they provide.
In the case of healers doing damage though, the cost of doing damage when healing isn’t required is very very low. If healing is required or there’s a damage spike coming up, then the cost of that GCD is obviously too high and you should address the problem. That’s why no one advocates for healers to do damage at the expense of their party’s lives. They advocate for healers to do damage when healing isn’t required.