Stop cheering for WoW to kill WoW

And like what I just said, those exact retail players are now playing Classis. I play Retail, and I don’t care about transmog. But everyone that I knew that went to classic, was obsessed with transmog.

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In all honestly I am fairly certain it is how the classes currently play and feel the GCD changes for example that is messing up retail, not choosing to purse a good look on your character…

Me. I want the whole thing to burn in a colossal massive exit. Once they announce tomorrow that war campaign over. It (cross fingers) will be the breaking point. Natives already really mad that allince getting major perks in WM. Especially when they find out that the only war chief most like getting ax. Burn baby, burn, to the ashes.


lol. When your argument fails go with forum policing.

Even though that’s even wrong.

Lol retailers.

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I say feed both sides massive amounts of sugar leave them in a empty amusement park for the day and come back at night and give blankets and teddy bears to the sweet passed out kiddies who survived.

People been cheering for its death since its launch…since wow pretty much curbstomped every direct compeator…now they cheer for wow to kill wow.

Wait… you don’t like RPers…?


just watch twitch tomarrow and see if retail is dead i see classic as something to do when there is no content left in retail not as a main game to end retail.

Have no stake in the classic vs. retail argument, but though this was interesting - and this topic seemed the most recent to be relevant.

I’m not sure how reliable these stats are, but they seem relevant to this conversation, so I’ll paste them here…

Interestingly, they also note…

Superdata reports that total revenue in August was still lower than what Blizzard earned this time last year, with the release of current expansion Battle for Azeroth.

WoW Classic drives a huge jump in subscribers. World of Warcraft subscription revenue grew an estimated 223% in August compared to July. Despite this, total revenue was still lower than the Battle for Azeroth expansion last August.

So it seems these things come in cycles, like Blizz has said for a while now. The new shinny gets some love, then the shine fades and people go play a new shinny…

By his definition of playing cosmetic dress up rather than taking on an actual role, no, no I don’t.

Whats wrong with Cosmetic dress up? Some gear looks nice, other gear looks like hot garbage.

Playing an MMORPG is pretending to assume the role of a useful member of society.

Right but the boss doesn’t care how pretty you look, elf.

“I used the WoW to destroy the WoW”

And the real world doesn’t care about how well you tanked/healed/damaged during raid night when it doesn’t lead to any actual skills. Playing the game is pretending to have skills. It doesn’t matter what form the escapism comes from, playing video games and especially MMOs are escapism. Being awesome at your role in WoW and playing dress-up in WoW are equally meaningless.

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I’m a tauren, for one.

For two, who care what the boss things? We’re killing him anyways. His opinion doens’t matter.

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It’s fun. It’s RPG. You respect the world, not ignoring it. And has the best set up to create camaderie and faction rivalries unlike retail.

It is not the difficulty that matters. It’s having a good time. The same reason Everquest 1 still is populated.

You literally answered your own question. It being “broken and busted” is the appeal. Amazing how a broken version of the game is more popular than its modern iteration.

Maybe by those blinded by nostalgia.

The point is, when the game is reduce to a cosmetic “collect them all” as the only means of entertainment, we have a serious problem.

Sure, but for me when I run into an enchanter who offers to upgrade my weapon for me before we start deadmines because she has assumed that role, it means a lot more to me emotionally. IMO going into a dungeon looking pretty isn’t my kind of game.