Stop cheering for WoW to kill WoW

…Ok Dad, hey, I have all this Apexis, I mean, Artifa…I mean Azerite Power. Do you need like 8,756 of it or something? Before I spend it all I mean.

(I miss Khadgar)

Retail has fallen on its face. I want Classic to bloody it up a little so that the devs get that kick in the rear to start course correcting Retail and making it a better game for us all.

I want Classic to succeed…and for Retail to get better for it.

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And what mythical quest is this that you’re talking about?

This is objectively the dumbest thing anyone has ever said.

That walking box thing in Mechagon can drop a pet apparently if you kite it towards some location.

So one small aspect makes you want to put the game down? Wow.

lol, no when I see people playing dress up and other activities that only serve cosmetic purposes I cringe and leave the thread feeling more hope lost for retail.

Either version of WoW is as social as you make it. You can solo classic, just as you can be social in current. The question is, do you want to be social or not?

So rp realms do not exist in classic?

haha, there’s like two of them.

How quickly is that going to be? For a game that was released 15 years ago it seems to have more life in it than BFA does.

By your logic though classic should die because “people play dress up” in rp realms.

That person gets themselves banned everytime they post.

Gotta collect em all!

Retail is for the people who just can’t let go of their beloved collections.
I mean I guess if I had been buying all the garbage out of the blizz store too I wouldn’t want to let it go either.

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These things exist only because players DEMANDED IT. Blizzard evolved the game based on requested changes because requesting “no change” doesn’t sell expansions.

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Me? Or the person I was imitating?

The person you were talking about. Not you.

No I could care less about what 1% of Classic’s population wants. There’s also zero cosmetic rewards in Classic, it’s an entirely different game.

It’s an actual MMORPG.

Isn’t character customization aka cosmetics a part of the RPG? As far as I know being able to make your character the way you want has always been a big thing in RPG settings.

I also what to point out why is FF 14 doing so well if “fashion” is the problem, it has way more of that than WoW has and it doesn’t seem to be effecting the game in a negative way at all.


It’s funny because most of the people I know that left retail for classic seemed to care more about their transmog than anything else. What will they do when they get tired of their outfits?

Yeah, I always thought it was part of playing dress up, not actually playing a role but rather pretending to assume a role.

Like I said earlier lol, this is what only retail players value.