Stop cheering for WoW to kill WoW

Yet that same “community” is putting down the very community that allowed the classic experience to occur. It is nothing more than the snake eatting its self. If I had a friend that constantly was obnoxious and trolling anything I chose to do because they disagreed with it I would easily no longer have that “friend”.

I get it, you all are happy to go play with the old toy you thought was lost. Don’t be twits about it. Enjoy yourselves just not at others experience.

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For years, retail community has advocated for the worst changes like LFD, LFR, cross realm, sharding, and hang the rest of us. This is the balancing out. Classic is the base upon which the situation will equalize.

No high horses, please.

I made two distinction. Classict ahole on private servers who if they are to believe numbered in the millions. Those guys form a community on their own. Like blood elves and void elves.

Those guys want retail to die and havr always wanted it too. They dont pay for retail and have only continue to play on pservers.

Then you have retail players like the majority of my guildies who will be playing it but dont want retail to do due to actually have sentimental attachment if not monetry attachment. Clearly for these people retail dyinf is a bad thing.

So. Again. Are you an ahole who starts fight with retail and want it to die so blizz can focus on classic support? If not my comments did not apply to you.

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“Are you classy insult or do you agree with me?”

Balance can occur without being poisonous to each other, neither side would exist without the other.

It is only an insult if it applies to you.

I want the success of Classic to wake the retail devs the hell up and stop taking retail down the wrong path. The fact that there is MORE interest in the original version of this game than the current version should be a massive slap upside the head to let them know they are doing something terribly wrong now. Will it be enough? Remains to be seen. If they just double down yet again in the next expansion on all the crap we keep saying we hate about retail now then as far as I’m concerned you can stick a fork in retail because it’s done.


I’m sure in a perfect world this would happen, but in this one we’re gonna have to deal with the trolls on both sides and not isolate it to one side or the other.

Whole thing is completely natural and expected.

Not really. I can be glad about something without cheering for it.

“Someone likes something that I don’t like, so clearly they’re lying about liking it.”

That’s not how things work. I admit to not being too keen on the BfA story, but that’s mainly because I prefer when the factions work together and really hate the faction war. The raids have been really fun, and I’ve been having a great time playing with my guild.

It’s okay not to like things, but don’t be a jerk about it.

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By that thought, either is Classic.

the TR808 and EMU Systems SP-1200 with a yamaha four track.

I’m cheering for Classic to severely damage the egos of the Retail team, because I want to keep playing Retail. They need to see that their ideas are bad so they stop driving away their customers.

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Not even remotely the same anymore.

I’m not all that interested in classic but I hope it’s successful enough for Blizz to do classic Lich King or classic MoP servers.

I really want to do a MoP server

I’ve got what I want. Retail can have what they want. I won’t be joining you guys but I don’t hate your side.

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The Classic exodus has begun, in six months to a year the game will be down to its core player base; which will be a fraction of the current subscribers.

I also predict that infighting between the NoChangs crowd and the Classic+ factions will reach toxic proportions. Blizzard will hold the nochanges line further aggravating the private server crowd who want harder content. This may result in this part of the base leaving, returning to private servers.

All the while, new classic subscribers will probably be minimal failing to offset those that leave.

At this Blizzcon, I suspect that they will also announce Classic TBC to tide people over and draw out classic subscriptions with a promise of free one-way transfers to TBC.

But hey, who knows?

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I like both versions. I play both versions. More WoW is fine by me!

What are normal+ raids? What are guilds?

Classic went from I’ll pay extra to play classic! to why do I even need to be subbed to play classic!

I feel like it’s two sports ball team fan bases going against each other in the end it really doesn’t matter because it’s just Sports ball.

As much as I’d like to see both succeed, when I see retail players going on about “do X to get your pet and transmog” I just kinda just want to put it down like a terminally ill dog to finally end its misery.

Sadly the most social fun I’ll have in retail is throwing a party bomb to make strangers dance.