Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

Honestly don’t be too cocky, I’ve seen people get stuck in 1.8-2.1 for decades. You could be one of them. Skill ceilings exist for some folks.


very true ego is one of men’s greatest downfall, will keep in mind, TY!

that doesn’t mean ur better. that still means ur in the same bracket.

ur not playing at a better level then him. he could still surpass you.

Do you not understand how brackets work?

this isn’t some like “measuring of potential”.

Its literally a numerical representation to determine how you compare to other players based off an algorithm.

IF you are in the same bracket, ur around the same skill level. Getting there faster doesn’t make you better. IF you get in a higher bracket, then ur better.

People get stuck on and @ different things all the time.

I competitively box IRL. there are certain things which i really struggled with, which lesser experienced boxers seemed to do easily, and vice versa.

Also, you are playing FoTM no brain mongo train spec, FYI. Be prepared to have better comebacks then laugh reacts if you wanna defend it. just saying.


No problem, good luck though warrior of the light.

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Btw- I got 1800 on my 170ilvl ret in less than 60 games.

You’re the best :wink:

Keep shedding those blood sweat and tears. You might get somewhere

yea maybe you right, im not better, but the way he’s talking to me is as if he was a rank 1. like no dude we currently around the same rating only difference is that he has 12 years under his belt. LMFAOOOO literally this guy got angry at me for no reason.

the battle of zoomers vs boomers



No I’m not talking to you as if I was r1, I legit said I get 1800 and stop playing for the pvp set.

Quote me where I said I was rank 1. The ego on this kid

And nobody is angry. You’re just trying to troll people on the forums. I’m just saying you aren’t good!

Again- can tell you’ve been boosted. You’ve been acting all defensive ever since I called you out on it.

Sorry pal, good luck getting glad. It’ll be nice to see your name on the leaderboard :slight_smile:


you cant call me a troll then say I’m defensive in the same sentence/paragraph. its an oxymoron, so which one is it?

you trash talked me first and i returned the same energy.

you accused me of something based on wild theories. i returned the energy.

its pretty obvious who’s angry and defensive here dude. :joy::joy: i mean you started not me.

i was simply proud of myself for making thread that got so much views/attention. and i guess it bothered you.

I havnt been angry or defensive. I just rebutted when you called another player bad even though he had clearly better achieves than you.

I accused you, and you never gave me any reason to believe I was wrong.

But anyway, good luck to you. You seem to be struggling lately so I won’t stress you out anymore.

Yep, I really did start it :slight_smile:

lmfaoooo again this old man with 12 years of wow under his belt (like you) got offended at me being proud of my thread, i shut him down. you came in and i shut you down too.

and neither have you dismissed my accusations either. different is mines looked earned, yours don’t .

lmfaoooo and im not stressed just returning energy angry old men are throwing out.

and yes you did start it LMFAOOOO. wasn’t even referring to you there. so again everything you are typing/claiming is ironic. and pretty hilarious

From what I can gather from your other posts, you just reply to make people respond and you spam laughing emojis in an attempt to trigger people.

Troll posts are fun, yeah. But you need to back up your talk with actual stats. Having 400 wins with a negative winrate is a bad look.

If you improve, people will take you seriously.

People have different goals in this game, unfortunately, getting glad isn’t one of mine.

Good luck on your journey to glad. I hope it doesn’t cost you anymore money.

You’ve been saying this to everyone on this thread and your other ones. Grow up

u are a clown

I have to agree with Dior on a lot of points.

He may be a bit immature but hes not wrong. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Post 'er up bb.

what the frick

make hpal judgment generate 1 holy power


all i did was defend myself bro relax :joy::joy::joy:

You’ve been playing this game for ~2 months and already using phrases such as “hard stuck at 1200” while playing Ret? Yikes.

I don’t think I’ve seen this level of toxic in awhile.

You act like you’re about 13 years old.


again just defending myself my guy. read the thread obviously i got attacked first. LMFAOOOO

This is starting to get weird.

gets the butter