Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

Yeah you sure didn’t start it.

Didn’t you say the same thing to me? And that one other guy?

400 games at 1800, telling others they suck, and being on a 30 game loss streak. God damn that’s the best thing since sliced bread

Good luck on glad bb


why is it always the human male paladins with mental illness


that was a reply at him coming at me first.

12 years of wow still playing at rival.

30 game loss streak? LMFAOOOO stop having a mental breakdown and lying to yourself. thats weird old man.

and ty im sure i’ll get there by next season the way im going.

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Again, nobody is having a mental breakdown or angry. You just spew immaturity the way you handled the responses.

No hard feelings.

Good luck- I’ve got a mate on frostmourne who hit 2500 last season if you need tips lmk- can hook you up.


How did I know a Paladin created this thread.

“Enjoy your time I’m coming for you”

  • Nerf Bat

why are you like this


I am convinced OP by your constant lmao’ing and emojis you are indeed…insane in the membrane :>

I’ll see myself out xD


Literally the most cringe thing I have read. Ret “deservedly” nerfed. Coming from a priest. A class that has 2 specs that are more dominant in the top 100 than a ret.

I’m not defending anyone in this thread but c’mon man. SPriest heal for more than Rets. They just do it passively and have more DCDs. Yet burst healing is what concerns you and you call for nerfs.

At least post from a DK that has self healing undertuned. If you think WoG needs a nerf, guess what, your class will be next on the chopping block. Everyone has details and can see how much SPriest heals for

:joy::joy::joy::joy: i laugh a lot i’m a happy person what can i say. #dior

Whats going to be the best moment, is when it gets nerfed… and like… by 300% because of how Pallies are running 3 prot/ret comps and making it more obvious their WoG is broken. Their tears are going to be amazing. WoG nerf wouldnt make Ret drop any lower than A tier is the worst part… its like a class that is S Tier with the best off heals in game… Scared Pallies.

lol dude you kill on openers, i literally have to bop my partner or bubble when a good sub rogue opens on us or else we die start of the match. cmon… you clearly on the wrong side here.

LOL i dont play a sub rogue. WTF? But yeh… dps/prot pallies WoG totally getting nerfed… Infinite sustain isnt balanced… They can keep their damage which is borderline. Its crazy in another thread im defending Pally damage… wtf is going on with the world.

zzz im a disc you clown. And I agree off healing in general is too strong, as well as mind games. You’re 100% wrong that sp heals more than ret though… WoG is healing for 100% of peoples health bar in 1 press. You really have no clue what your talking about, can guarantee you have a ret and you’re in denial just like OP.

Spriest has to cast, thats 1… 2… Spries has this thing called mana depletion… 3… Its bad class design. IM ok giving it the same cd as other peoples self heal. I mean renewal for druid is like a min… BALANCE.

lmfaoooo brooo we can discuss this without insulting each other, we all play the same wonderful game.

you’ve done nothing but spam crying emojis calling everyone an old man this entire thread. jfc


So like my buddy is a Ret pally and today I got to enjoy him carrying my freshly level ilvl 134 monk

I got blown up by a mage in a combust in seconds and then he managed to solo kill the mage and rogue who had to do a full reset

The best part was when they almost got him down once but he WoG’d back to almost full hp which gave me a chuckle and some free conquest points

I think we went like 15-4 and I have 0 gear and could be globaled by half the specs

lol only not even close.

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this 100% encapsulates the problem with ret.

I’m ok with ret being strong in the hands of a strong player.

Like look at affliction warlocks. They are underpowered in this meta, but they have an incredibly powerful toolkit that just needs a bit of time and skill and positioning to be utilized effectively.

Rets are literally a brain dead “blow all my cd’s and chase the clothy” spec that rewards braindead play.

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are we still gonna duel? im good whenever you are