Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

been in this forum for a few days now. and its
nothing but crying.

imagine crying for a nerf because you don’t know how to kite wings. or cc chain :joy::joy::joy::joy:


how are you a ret paladin with 500 games at 1800 in 2v2


first season, started the game in October. but I am willing to bet money that you were hard struck 1200 on your first season, what 10 years ago? :joy:

so if ur a new player

and you’re playing a spec everyone is telling you is op

you’re playing it badly

what is your reason for believing they’re wrong and it’s a gitgud issue?
seems like you wouldn’t know if that were or weren’t true based on your very limited time investment?


cringe ret


because i have no issues with rets. or rogues for that matter, another super cried about class.

so you

a ret paladin

have no issues

with other ret paladins

and that is your reasoning for 'gitgud’ing @every1?


98 games played in 3v3 1300 rating. ya seems like ret aint op at all or op is noob

hmm. gonna have to go with op is a noooob!


:joy::joy::joy: man I didn’t mean it like that. im just saying whats the point of crying about it? just learn how to counter it. research goes a long way specially for new players.

ya when you suck and you q into other plays that suck it’s probably pretty easy to get shut down or to shut them down

but this game isn’t balanced around and shouldn’t be balanced around players that suck

there is next to no counterplay to a 20k wog and ‘jUsT cRoSs iT bRo’ is idiot speak for “PROT PAL DESIGN IS FINE” because if you support ret right now you also support prot

there is next to no counterplay to the top end of ret wings or the rng of ringing clarity
i can and have died through 80% zone and i can and have died through astral shift to male belf backpeddle bot rets


Ok so ignore OP, fix Ringing Clarity and nerf WoG by 15%. Nothing else needs to be done, thanks.


that would cripple us to almost being non viable.

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wtf do you know about game balance you’ve been playing the game for 5 minutes


Since you’re new around here, clearly a very skilled gamer and not being carried by your class…

I’ll let you in on a little secret…

The post are on here all the time …

It’s called knowing you are broken and seeing the writing on the wall knowing you will be nerfed.

It’s called a “don’t nerf me bro git gud” post.

See about two weeks ago when hundreds of sub rogues that got 1800 for the first time just like you did claiming rogues are fine as you are with ret/prot right now

You’re a little sad bud. It’s happening whether you like it or not, if you’re good you’ll be okay.


425 games of 2v2, 206 wins. He will decidedly not be okay.


Just add a mana cost to WOG similar to enh healing. My heals are also strong but I’m oom after a few.

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its not even about the nerfs bro. and how can i get carried by MY class when I’m the one whos PLAYING the class? :joy::joy::joy: that sounded a little special, not going to lie i laughed irl. good job.

the ret dozer


:joy:. I’m sorry that you’ve played the game for 10 years and still haven’t gotten the combatant bracket. i would be hurt too. its ok buddy. happy holidays :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Clearly you have a high IQ as well because carried by your class means you think you have some skill while in reality it’s that the class you play has over the top damage and healing.

I found a video of you on YouTube actually