Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

This priest is the only character I play on this account lol. The exception being a mage I played in classic. Nice try though lol.

buddy, stop lying. There are sources where we can look up everything your character has ever done.


People who put “lol” in every sentence is a sure fire way to know they’re panicking.

I post screenshots, show achievements, even have PVP videos you can google that show it all. But keep going, you’re giving me a great laugh lol.

How do you counter bubble wings where you can hit 20K+ TV and you are basically immune to everything?

uh as a warrior? shattering throw -> intimidating shout

better question is, how do you counter that as a warlock? Or a mistweaver?


Warrior? I don’t play a warrior. I’ve only ever done arena as a priest. Played a mage in classic but as soon as TBC launched I rerolled a priest. I don’t even play shadow. I think I’ve maybe done shadow in arena like 4-5 games total just to try it out.

wrong person was talkign 2 the warrior

I think he hit reply on the wrong post and was talking about this.

As a warrior, you can leap away once you see them setting up or use Die By the Sword to parry + 30% damage reduction and another 20% damage reduction from defensive stance. Paladins cooldowns are very visual and most people pop cooldowns right away so you know what’s coming. Ignore pain + Rally Will help too but that alone won’t save you from the burst combo if you are just sitting there and taking it.

In most situations the best thing to do is kite, rets are slow. Once the cooldowns end, or atl east Seraphim + DT finish them. If you are playing with a disc priest like most warriors in 2s they can pre cast mass dispel for you, if that works you can stun/disarm them while you kill them rather than backing off but it’s less safe.

Honestly, the best thing to do when fighting a Ret is burn their cooldowns as they are not scary like warriors without them and are slow.

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Man. This OP makes me sad as a Ret player :confused: wish we were all big brain like my fellow ret bro Kayama


Ilu friend. <3

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am i allowed to blame them on prot’s WoG?


Prot paladin is super disgusting, so ye.


WoG needds a solid 75% nerf. At least.


This dude is nervous he’s about to get nerfed (which is most definitely happening).

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Definitely nervous from the tons of thread that Dark is in calling CH overtuned and hybrid healing nutty. 110% nervous. /s

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haha jokes on you

i single handedly conquered blizzard and made sure enhance would still be overtuned fotm so i can win games with this 1 message :sunglasses:

o w n e d


uncomfortable amount of joy emoji’s in this thread

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Obviously it was your fault for not seeing the future and bubbling earlier /s

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The OP here is clearly a moron. WoG isnt tied to mana… THATS the issue, and you cannot tie it to mana, therefore it needs to be nerfed in PVP, their damage is S Tier, their ability to heal without a resource that depletes is imbalanced. RET and Prot are the issue here. Holy is just fine.

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