Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

lol dog? I would literally 1 shot you dude. real id me and we can make this 1v1 happen.

told a bunch of grown men to stop crying and i guess they got offended :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: go start a family bro you probably like 30

we know, youre a ret pally


i would say nerf hybrid healing by 33% across the board @ least but yeah


ill 1v1 you. imma rogue though :wink:

easy. whats your tag?

because its the op class that is giving you your rating, not your abilities as a player? Yeah you can blow cd’s and mongo a-move into just about anyone and score kills. Grats. Your spec is insanely overtuned. Grats.

This thread honestly speaks for itself.

brand new player, reaches 1800 in 2’s on an op class, comes to the forums to call other people noobs for complaining about a blatantly op class.

The amount of cliche’s is sickening. Can’t make this stuff up. You are a walking definition of the word “irony”.



You wanna do it later today? I just changed my conduits to PvE for torghast, and I don’t have enough gems to change them to PvP and then back to PvE again.


lol not my first time hitting 1800 dude. i hit 2k during pre patch literally 2 weeks after starting to play the game. its not impossible to be new and have skills. im not a rank 1 that goes 40-0 with 2700 rating, i grind my rating out, though eventually at my pace i will definitely be getting those type of win/loss ratio soon.

honestly i really doubt that.

He is a 1900 rated disc priest.

If you managed to get him below 30% without blowing every single thing you had i would be amazed.

a good disc priest is borderline immortal atm

i eat priests at the 2k bracket, i will add you soon and will be home later to 1v1. no funny business will bring my guys with me just in case you try to jump me :joy::joy::joy: we can meet ontop of ICC tower. its nice looking.

oh sheeeeeeit gonna bring yo crew?

Lol this kinda sounds like a drug deal now lol.

I’ll go lone wolf. Its how i roll. :smiley:


ur right, it is nice looking :slight_smile:

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Inflated rating ego

Imagine being so attention starved that you choose to repeatedly say stupid stuff on the WoW forums just to get some form of attention, even if it’s negative. I pity you. In before “go start a family” since I have one. This is a pathetic display, even for somebody that is clearly around the 13-15 age range.

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1v1 you? I thought your thread was about how ret isn’t op? And you intend to prove that by popping divine toll in a disc priest’s face with your mongo 8k 8k 8k judgement procs while I can’t dps thru WoG?

don’t worry, you’ll be back at 1300 where you belong soon enough once WoG and divine toll is balanced.


Is OP in a competition for the biggest idiot on the forums? Battle… or Abom… ain’t got nothing on this guy.

And it’s a new player (presumably), most impressive.


At least he is admitting be carried by his class now.

“I would 1 shot you dude”
“My class doesnt carry me”

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I mean everything in this game oneshot right now so everyone is kinda carried?

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If we were to judge ret paladins balance based off OPs arena performance I’d say ret needs a buff.

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Not everything, but sure lots of classes have abilities that can crit and 1 shot.

Divine Toll doesnt need to crit…

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