Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

Wow. This really helps shed some light on your mental acuity. Everybody put some Fs in the chat for our new smooth-brained Paladin friend.


enjoy 1800 while it lasts simp


oh nice you’re smarter than me because i failed to recognize a game term “slang” “carried by my class” ok brain surgeon. lmfaoooo glad i can enjoy the game and not cry on forums. :joy:

It would go a long way to prove this if you’d stop crying on the forums and stop trying to hide how upset you are by putting 3 or more laughing emojis in every comment.


Keep enjoying when those nerfs you hope aren’t coming hit those hotfixes my guy.

lmfao im sorry do my laughing emojis upset you? i don’t understand why is it so bad to use laughing emojis? :joy::joy::joy:

Trolling by acting as stupid as humanly possible and spamming “u mad bro” kind of died out around 2010. I suggest you get with the times and start taking about “capping” and maybe let us all know how “lit” everything is.

You are the reason forums should have an ignore function. I cringe every time I read one of your comments filled with emojis to try to hide your insecurity. You’re not fooling anybody.


again im not worried about “nerfs” i can cc chain and open kill windows with my partner. its not hard dude. its just a game. :unamused::joy:

I’m gonna be real with you dude, ret pal is carrying you. It is hands down the easiest melee for newbs to win with in 2s. If you want to impress someone, play a nonmeta spec.

All you’re going to get from the pvp community with your attitude, is contempt.

Since you just started playing I’ll fill you in on a some veteran information. The healing you have now will most likely be gutted soon and ret rarely stays on top for long.

Enjoy the free ride while it lasts.


dude you’re 40 and it shows. stop replying to me angry old man. its kind of creepy. :joy::joy::joy: 40 years old and still cant achieve the combatant bracket.

:joy::joy::joy: Yikes dude u play arena so much as :joy::sweat_smile: a ret paladin :joy::relieved: and can’t win 50% of your matches​:joy::joy::joy: in 2v2​:joy::joy::joy: stop replying to me and blaming ret pal for your "loses":joy::joy::sweat_smile:

See how stupid that sounds? That’s you.


finally someone mature and who isn’t a cry baby. thank you. I will learn as I go. I am ready for anything, game is awesome and im loving it. happy holidays!.

No problem man. I just don’t want to see a new player get a bad rep because they don’t realize how things usually work.

There are many skilled players on this forum and it would be a shame if you dismissed all the experience and knowledge they could share with you.


AHAHAHA this is one of the most ironic things I’ve read in my entire life. Omg I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe.

:joy::joy::joy::joy:i do not type like this my guy.

Yeah, clearly not, “my guy”…


new player plays fotm -> “if i’m so bad how does everyone lose” -> ego develops -> trash talks other players -> “just play better lol its so easy” -> ego maintains after fotm fades -> “i’m a 2400 xp player just stuck here in the 1800s games so bad”


Threads like this are a dead give away that blizz should nerf WoG. You never see people posting this sort of junk for balanced abilities

I know you’re sad ret is gonna get deservedly nerfed into the dirt and you will drop back to 1300 like the dog you are, but this thread isn’t going to change that


Are you trying to say that his zero cd instant cast manaless lay on hands is carrying him?