Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

-continues to have emotional breakdown in a game forum.

-admits dropping rating due to purchasing rating in the illegal websites he promoted.

LMFAOOOO jesus christs dude just log off brah.

I haven’t said i purchased rating once. Tahts you projecting and deflecting lol. I admitted to dropping rating in 2’s after the kyrian nerf. Thats not the same thing buddy, and no matter how much you twist my words, doesn’t make your purchased rating any better.

You’re supposition is that that, because I know the names of 2 websites that sell rating (which is very easy to find seeing as they spam trade chat, discords, and LFG channels) that I am buying my rating?

Yet you have nothing else to support that supposition.

Clear deflection tactic and straw man fallacy.

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

Enjoy your ban blazingboost.

-says im deflecting

but was the first to bring it up, then ended up getting exposed for it after promoting illegal boosting wow websites.

:joy::joy: got to love the psychological evaluation here dude

see I didn’t lose my 3’s rating after i earned it.

If i was a scrub like you who bought my rating, i would have tanked my rating after i purchased it, like you did.

Bro. Just stahp. Its getting sad at this point.

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

Enjoy your ban Mr. Blazingboost.

promoting? LOL cause i mentioned their names to call YOU OUT on your BLATANT cheating?

BwAHAHAHAHAHA the cognitive dissonance is just flabberghasting.

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

enjoy your ban blazingboost.

LOOOOOOL do you know what PHYSIOLOGY is?

Bwahahahaha i think you mean “psychology” there champ.

jesus christ just when i think you can’t get dumber

-says “stahp” but continues to have mental breakdown.

-continues to make up fake numbers.

-is crying due to getting exposed.

:joy::joy::joy: literally have no idea why you keep doing this to yourself.

-calls out my auto correct spelling error in call caps.

hey just so you know champ:

Definition of physiology

1**:** a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter

2**:** the organic processes and phenomena of an organism or any of its parts or of a particular bodily process





  1. the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context

FYI. I know you are trying desperately to sound clever and informed, so i figured i would help you out.

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

Enjoy your ban Mr. Blazingboost.

-proceeds to google due to auto correct spelling error.

-gets emotionally happy at spelling error.

-still exposed for buying rating and promoting illegal websites.

-continues to throw fake numbers around

-continues to say “nuff said”

-continues to get laughed at”

-writes another crying paragraph.


-proceeds to narrate the conversation as if no one else can see what is happening.

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

Enjoy your ban Mr. Blazingboost.

This dude is literally the best troll on the forums and has cast his net in one spot to catch so many people.

Gg my guy.

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it wasn’t a spelling error, it was you being an utter dumb@$$ and we both know it. You didn’t know the difference between the two definitions, and its HIGHLY unlikely any autocorrect algorithm would change those two words, as autocorrect algorithms use vowels to determine what word you mean, and those two don’t have any vowels in common @ the beginning of the word, which is where an AC algorithm applies itself first. You typed physiology because you MEANT physiology because ur clearly to dumb to know the difference between the two, and now ur trying to save face.

also, the H key is pretty far away from the S key on the board buddy.

JEsus christ dude just admit you effed up and take the L with some dignity man.

-tries to imitate me after realizing he has been the laughing stock for a while now due to emotional break down on gaming forum.

-continues to throw fake numbers around after getting exposed for boosting after promoting illegal boosting websites.

-reported me after coming at me first



-considers my auto correct spelling error as his only victory in this situation.

  • says enjoy my ban while promoting illegal wow websites in the same sentence.


-narrates the entire conversation like a moron because apparently short term memory doesn’t exist

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

Enjoy your ban Mr. Blazingboost.

lol no promotion, the only one using those sites here is you. its obvious dude.

reported you for cheating, because its blatantly obvious. In fact im willing to bet you have had accounts banned for cheating before as well.

Lol not autocorrect, you being an ignorant dumb@$$ and we both know it. I have coded autocorrect programs iwth object oriented languages before, so just stahp bro.

I don’t think you know what “promoting” means. Want me to post another definition? I know you have a hard time with the whole “using the correct words” thing.

Is this another case of you using a multisyllabic to try and sound smart?

I mean it has three whole syllables, thats pretty impressive for you.

"Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

Enjoy your ban Mr. Blazingboost.


you lost THIRTY. GAMES. IN. A. ROW.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAA ur actual garbage.

Anyway, ret-ard is retarded. GG.

maybe daddy’s credit will fork out a few grand so you can hit gladiator this season. Best of luck, but you’ll be banned before you can enjoy it so meh.

gr8 b8 m8 :wink:

-continues to repeat same thing due to emotional distress.

-writes another crying paragraph.

-exposed for boosting and promoting boosting.

-is rapidly writing angry responses

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: ight man if you wanna keep getting laughed at we can keep at it.

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bro. thirty. games. in. a. row.

'nuff. said.

i bet you play blood elf female because you think shes hot, virgin lookin azz nerd

-responds with random quote due to mental breakdown.

-calls me noob but is in the same bracket as me with over 10 years of experience.

-keeps promoting the boosting websites he used


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