Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

thirty. games. in. a row.

calls me noob but is in the same bracket as me with over 10 years of experience.

no you bought your bracket. I earned mine, and am still climbing. In 3’s.

You bought yours, are playing FoTM and are tanking. In 2’s.

inb4 noU, inb4 Narrate this comment, inb4 “promoting websites”

Enjoy ur ban blazingboost.
2k in one day, then thirty losses in a row.
1700 in one day, then dropped 600 rating.

NUFF. SAID. bwahahaahahaha :wink: enjoy ur ban m8

ZUG ZUG grunts loudly

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tl;dr of the last 50ish posts: rivals rating bashing each other

clear your heads guys come back when ur less fried

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How is this cancer joke of a thread still going?.. :clown_face::clown_face:


This thread is still going? Damn.


:rofl: :joy:



Imagine playing a ret pally and saying you dont have a problen with it being broken

Of course you have no issues with Ret. A 10 year old could hit 1800 or higher playing ret. Don’t come in here and talk up a big game when you play one of the most broken and overtuned classes currently.

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This is like Post Renaissance Dozer, real solid things happenin here


This whole thread is trash lmao

There is much worse stuff out there than WoG

I’m not sure if OP is worse or the people continuing to toast in a roll bread.


This guy stole my thread…


he couldn’t do it without buyting a carry thouhgl ol

425 games played as Ret but only 1800. I don’t get it.

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its cause he bought a carry to 2k.

Then he lost 30 games in a row @ his carried rating, and has dropped down to somewhat where he belongs. (playing an overtuned class).

Once ret offhealing gets nerfed and ringing clarity gets tuned down, he will drop another 400 rating.

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I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say 300. Also, I doubt he will touch arena after becoming just 1800. If I was ret, i’d be pushing it. Easily. However, after my class was nerfed while 3 major others went untouched, I won’t be back until things are more fair. I’ll keep my 1800 with 160 games played. I had a rough time with Disarms from Arms warrior and Windwalker monk ( not to mention Fists of Fury being a raid boss attack) being too powerful vs. rogues, and holy paladins being just about the only healer in existence, and the occasional disc priest. Now I just get my rival gear until the next major patch.

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Today I lost a 2v2 because of rets and their WoG.

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ur literally awful pathetic kid

i put u on the farm the other day. horrid player

You’re pretty awful with your spelling and grammar.

Boom roasted.

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People defending Ret/Prot WoG healing eat crayons.