Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

-says he has 300 rating higher than me where it matters.

yet is in the same bracket as me. years of experience under his belt.

-says 2s is a meme
yet blizzard has leaderboards, rewards/titles for 2s

-says 3s is what matters.

yet still rival just like me. :joy::joy::joy: ah man.

-says rogue isn’t fotm.

i mean dude to be honest if i were to play a game for 10 years only to see a new player thats been playing for less than 3 months at the same bracket as me i guess i would be angry too.

im a prodigy you cant get mad at me for playing at your skillset so soon. its just how good i am.


its really not, you can easily outplay a ret/prot and wog wont mean a thing. either way all i said was to stop blaming loses on rets and wog.

:man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming: Oof man

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well boys we almost at 7k views,

will we get 10k views?

will the desperate vets continue to cry to new players?

will wog ever get nerfed?

find out next time on the arena forums!!.

thread is legendary thank you guys so much. :heart:

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im 2086 in 3’s, ur barely 1800 in 2’s after buying a boost.

rekt rofl.

I play 2’s with my RL friends and for practice. I play 3’s for rating.

Objectively higher then you but w/e floats ur FoTM boat buddy lol.

got the entire forum laughing @ you now

-says he 2k in 3s.

yet is still rival like me.

says i “bought a boost”

yet is still rival like me. you want me to “buy” you duelist? i mean you deserve it after 10 years of playing the game. LMFAOOOO

-says “rekt”


-says GTFO

entered the thread only to have a mental breakdown at a new player playing on his same skillset.

lmfaoooo why you keep doing this to yourself?

u realize rival is 1800-2100 right?

ur BARELY above 1800, and im BARELY below 2100. There is a 279 rating difference between us atm genius.

IN 3’s. the actual(somewhat) balanced bracket that isn’t ran by FoTM mongo specs.

Jesus the dunning kruger you exhibit is mind boggling rofl.

u did buy a boost.

you got all ur arena achievements in 1 day, and then lost 30 games in a row as soon as you started playiong on ur own. Thats what happens when u get carried to a rating you don’t deserve on an FoTM.

where did u go? blazingboost? wowarena? How much did it cost? $125? $150?

-finally admits we both rival and same skillset

-says 279 rating difference.

but is at 1900. :joy:

-says fotm again

mains a rogue. :joy:


-says i got all my arena achievements in one day.
me double checking my achievements
yea nope. i guess reading is an issue too for you and not just basic math huh. LMFAOOOO

-“dunning kruger”

has trouble exhibiting basic math and reading skills.


-providing illegal websites that sell “boosts”

yet accusing me of boosting.

  • 10 years never been duelist.

maybe you should buy duelist :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:.

im @ 2086 atm. maybe my armory has yet to update, I had some games this morning and last night.

again, ur playing hte best FoTM spec in 2’s.

If you think rogue is FoTM then ur an actual moron. rogues of ALL specs have like 2% representation in higher brackets. JUST ret paladins have @ least 8% in both brackets.

Not FoTM @ all lol and just cause you say they are doesn’t make them so.

No one is complaining rogue is FoTM and it only came close pre-kyrian nerf, and then whaddya know, rogue population dropped by like 50% post nerf. Pretty much cans ur whole dumb@$$ “noU” logic.

good luck buying ur rating in 2’s FoTM scrub lol. I wonder how much ur gonna cry when ur nerfed and u fall 400 rating to where you belong.

MAybe then u’ll just buy another boost but w.e.

I’m sure its a total coincedence you climbed to 1900 in one day, then lost 30 games in a row. Thats TOOOOTALLY a coincedence rofl. You’re just super skilled thats it. Not indicative of someone buying a boost to an undeserved rating, then getting dunked on by people who play @ that rating normally.

Ur trash. Can’t even maintain an 1800 rating, in 2’s, on the most FoTM spec in the game, in the most FoTM favoured bracket.

No weapon after 1 month. You’re PvE is even laughable.

The only thing you come close to succeeding in in the game is something you have a blatantly unfair advantage in, and even then you needed to buy some help.

Lol ur trash. Ur a joke buds.

-says he at 2086

but really at 1900.

  • writes a paragraph crying.

been playing the game for 10 years.


-calls me trash

same bracket as me.

-still saying i boosted

but provided boosting websites.

-has probably bought boosts after not being able to get high ratings after years of playing.

-keeps having mental breakdown.

why you keep doing this to yourself? its not my fault you worse than me even after playing the game for 10 years.

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w/e kid ur literal trash lol and all u have is “noU”.

Thats ur entire argument.

You saying “NoU” over and over.

gr8 b8 trash m8. I r8 8/8.

Yeah their advertisements are all over the game everywhere. Not difficult to quantify genius.

The whole damn forum is calling you bad and you just double down on the trash.

Mind boggled.

Im 276 rating higher then you atm lol.

in 3’s.

Keep pretending ur doing something mr. Bought-my-rating.

U have an effing negative winrate in 2’s FFS that is BLATANTLY obvious that you are playing with people way higher rated then you are and are being carried.

IF you play with players with higher MMR, you don’t lose rating.

You got carried to 2k in 2’s, by a boost undoubtedly and dropped 200 rating as soon as you played on your own.

You also got carried to 1700 in 3’s, and dropped SIX HUNDRED rating as soon as you started playing on your own.

Yeah a lot harder to pop all cooldowns and mongo train someone down in 3’s huh? No brain paladin train doesn’t work so well does it?


-says “no you”

-says im trash

but is in the same bracket as me even with 10 more years of experience.

-writes another paragraph crying.

-continues to have mental breakdown.

-exposed for boosting after providing illegal boosting websites.

-says im a joke

but uses terms like “rekt” and “cool story bro”

:joy::joy::joy::joy: man please stop before you have heart attack brah. you never gonna be as good as me in this game even after playing for over 10 years.


man u don’t seem to understand the difference between 1800 and 2076, and the difference between 2’s and 3’s huh?

You’re not very bright are you.

lol buddy the only one exposed boosting here is you.

How do you explain that you climbed to 2k in 2’s in ONE DAY, then proceeded to lose over THIRTY GAMES IN A ROW at that rating?

How do you explain that you climbed to 1700 in 3’s in ONE DAY then proceeded to lose over 600 rating until you dropped down to 1100?

Ur climb rate, and win loss ratio speaks volumes.

Seriously. Mr. “NoU”. Explain that. Not a rhetorical question.

No matter how much you deflect, anyone looking at your profile can see that you play with urwallet.

In fact, gonna report. Enjoy your ban, maybe by the time you get unbanned WoG will be nerfed and you’ll drop another 600 rating :wink:

you are a joke lol.

keep getting carried then losing dozens of games in a row. It’s your money. I guess when you have more dollars then sense thats how you can play the game. :wink:


Ur ACTUAL trash bwahahahahaahaha

Gr8 b8 m8.

nice PvE stats too bro lol. the only thing you do in this game, and you suck so hard you have to pay someone else to do it for you.


-continues to cry about our 100 rating difference.

but has over 10 years of experience on me.

-continues to write crying paragraphs.

-threatens me with reporting me.

but came at me first.

“rekt” :joy::joy:

-says im a joke.

uses term like “cool story bro”

-exposed for buying boosts after providing illegal boosting websites.

-says im laughable.

has been getting laughed at for hours in this thread and by me and my friends due to mental breakdowns and crying paragraphs.


lol you don’t have friends don’t lie.

Why do you like… narrate the conversation as your replies? Is this how you talk IRL? We can all read what is happening. Is it so you don’t forget?

OR do you just know your position is indefensible, so you are trying to troll so as to deflect attention off the fact you LOST THIRTY GAMES IN A ROW BWAHAHAHAHA

Thats all im gonna say now.

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

Enjoy ur ban blazingboost hero.

-says i dont have friends.
but has played wow for over 10 years.

-says my position is indefensible

but has been getting dragged for hours. got exposed for boosting, and threatened to report me.

“rekt” :joy::joy:

-brings up my rating drop for helping guildies cap conquest.

also has dropped rating but instead actually trying to push.



-says enjoy my ban while continuing to promote the illegal websites he used to buy his rating.

lmfaoooo how much more must you get embarrassed, i can do this all day its a pretty good laugh for all of us on discord. but im legitimately concerned for your health though. you ok? :joy::joy:

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.

enjoy your ban blazingboost hero.

Ps: seriously? Why do you narrate the conversation as every reply?

-continues to make numbers up, like his fake ratings, in order to defend his rating purchased after getting exposed via promoting illegal wow websites.

  • uses terms like “nuff said”


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lol yeah i dropped rating in 2’s after my class was nerfed, just like you will.

in 3’s? Uh no i didn’t. See this is the difference:
I climbed to my rating in 3’s, and am STILL PLAYING games and keeping my win rate consistent at my rating.

You climbed and TANKED ur rating because YOU GOT CARRIED.

Now ur trying to deflect the OBVIOUS fact that ur playing this game with ur wallet.

Lost thirty games in row after climbing to 2k in ONE DAY. 'Nuff Said.
Dropped 600 rating after climing to 1700 in ONE DAY. 'Nuff said.
enjoy your ban blazingboost hero.

inb4 u narrate my reply as a response. Cause thats how you talk apparently lol.