Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

the “2s are for noobs!!! 3s are the only real arenas!!” is so freakin bizarre lol. sure dude it takes 0 effort to get glad in 2s. :joy::joy::joy:

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havent gotten lucky in the vault, and whats so important about the wep? mines is already 190 but should be able to buy it in 2 weeks. it cost 1800 conquest and you can only obtain 550 per week.


i literally just showed you how it took me a month, you’re not special and you’re not good, lmao who’s retarded kid is this? he prolly needs therapy.

yea its a pretty scuffed glad right now, really easy to get 50 wins above 2400 in an inflated rating where top players are at 3600 compared to getting a 2700 glad where highest rated players are 3k-3.1k but i wouldn’t expect you to know how glad used to work, you didn’t even play when it happened, hell you were prolly in kindergarden 3 years ago loool

you really think with those crying emojis we wouldn’t realize this is you on an alt? LOL. If it’s not you then it’s even more sad xd

you’re so dumb you keep demonstrating how little you know about pvp and this game

lmfaoooo i can literally see your achievements. you started in 2014 and didnt get rival until 2017 thats years special little man.

and i know you having a mental break down right now but that is not my alt.

lmfaoooo not you trying to roast me for not having my wep? does that even matter? are you so bothered that you’re just looking for any excuse. hey man u came here on ur own free will i didnt force you to come in to this thread and break down :joy::joy::joy:.

“inflated rating”
“real glad”

:joy::joy::joy: ah man. what a special man you are, indeed very special.

log out special brah.

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How can you be so stupid? literally got 1750 when i started taking pvp seriously and 1 month later i was already 2200, yet ur stuck at 1800 in 2s!!! NOT 3s!!! in 500 games almost lmao thats sad. I’m 2700, rating that you’ll never even grasp, look at it and keep dreaming about being in my level sometime in your life, maybe in a few years who knows? :man_shrugging:

I wouldn’t normally care about a noobie rat like you but when you try and act like you know more than people who have been so much higher than you’ll ever be, oh man that triggers me. You don’t know sht about the game and how it works, just demonstrated by saying that weapon isn’t important, and not knowing what rating inflation is LOLOLOL get outta here go back to your 1800 rat league in 2s, enjoy it, as soon as you get nerfed you’ll go back to 1500 just like you’re 1100 in 300 games in 3s lmfao how bad do u have to be to not be able to even break the 1500 bracket?

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sure thing little buddy. so you played for years and didnt pvp, but in 2017 when u took it serious you hit rival. :joy::joy::joy: just took u a few years huh?

oh yea the guy thats been playing for 7 years feels the need to cry to a new player about his “real glad” :joy::joy::joy: whew imagine?

guess we need to start a petition to remove 2s from the game because the 7 year veteran says its not good. LMFAOOOO imagine.

no need to admit you’re triggered we can already tell by the tears you’ve been dropping for a few days now. :joy::joy::joy::joy: just log out if this is making you THIS angry. look away, close the browser. :joy::joy::joy:

nah, my brother played this account back then, but u can see this shaman was created in 2016 by me, and quit playing a bit later to come back in late june 2017, when i got 1750, reason why i got all the other achievements shortly after.

no need to remove it, it’s a bracket to test things out, to troll, to have some fun when you’re bored, not to compete, if it was you’d get glad from it, but since its a worthless bracket you don’t. Flash news, i don’t even take 2s seriously or play at all, i have less than 1/4 of your 2s games played, yet im 460 rating above you :^)

The day you get 2700 in 3s you can come back and talk to me, in the meantime, keep talking about how good you are because you got 1800 within a month of starting to play. I don’t talk to people who have an ego about 1800 rat league that takes little to no skill, sorry

oh so now it was your brothers account? LMFAOOOO ight then you quit playing? special brah. whatever you say. i dont want you to have a heart attack over wow arena forums.

ah yea the 7 year vet is bragging to a new player about having higher rating. :joy::joy::joy: whew imagine?

i hit rival the same month i played the game ever, it took you years again, we not on the same level little bro.

if by 2028 i dont have glad(7years) i will gladly unsub. :joy::joy::joy::joy: if u can do it in 7 years anybody can. remember it took you 3 years to get what i got in weeks. pleb.

nah dawg im bragging about knowing more about the game than you do, which is clearly true and you don’t seem to understand. You don’t know how stuff works and that’s a fact.

you’re so dumb you can’t even reason that with your own logic it would have taken me 3 and a half years not 7 since i got 2700 in early 2018.

I’m done talking, it’s been established that you don’t know anything about the game and that you’re a troll.

I’d say i’ll catch you in the arena, but I wouldn’t because you’re too low for me, I don’t play in that rat league that you play in, have fun though!

LMFAOOOO dude you got 7 years on me. im sure you know more about the game that i do. never denied that. and im not a troll i didnt force you to come here and get angry and triggered. you did that yourself.

“the rat league”

LMFAOOOO before i switched to wow from the xbox series x, i was warned on how serious this game is taken. jesus :joy::joy::joy::joy: im laughing irl, good job brah.

“its been established you dont know anything about the game”

-7 year vet yelling at a player that started in october 2020.

alright brah.

dont let yourself get discouraged by these naysayers dior, you are amazing and I am proud of your success!

these people just dont understand what it takes to be a successful player, what it takes to take up an insanely overtuned and simple spec to peak at low rival in 2s with a negative winrate

when the nerfbat inevitably comes, you show the world what you are made of!

ps emojis for flavor :rofl: :rofl: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :grimacing: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :roll_eyes: :crazy_face:


thank you. i dont let depressed vets put me down :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I been told plenty of times it takes the average player years before hitting rival, i did it in 2 weeks. i am some what of a prodigy.

i also have rival on my mage and demon hunter.

less than 3 months of game experience

  • highest rating on my pally 2008

  • on my mage 1831
    -on my demon hunter 1802.

i am just good at video games in general.

also i wish you luck on your rival i see you haven’t gotten yet. i can help if you want.

you both sound kinda cringe 2bh.

You cause u think ur somehow good for playing FoTM mongo brain ret @ 1800.

Him for engaging you for this long and trying to justify his “credentials” to you.

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-posting on wow classic character.

-says fotm

i have rival on 3 classes.

i been playing the game for less than 3 months.

-says we cringe.

attempted to roast me for not having pvp wep.

ok brah.

yeah thats pretty trash @ this point in the season bra.

bladefurree - stormreaver

you are FoTM. Objective fact.

psh. doubt it.

cool story bro, tell it again.

-says im trash for not having my wep.
yet is at the same bracket as me with years of experience while i have less than 3 months.

-says fotm
plays rogue

-says fotm
yet I have rival on 3 classes

-says doubt it

has me on real id and knows my alts.

-says we cringe

then says “cool story bro”

-proceeds to embarrass himself for no reason.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: yea log out brah idk why you did this to yourself.

if you play female orc you’re prob a fat hairy old man irl change my mind. shrek lookin azz



imagine playing a female orc. whew.

what are you talking about? im like 300 rating higher then you anywhere where it matters. who gives a crap about 2’s its a meme. Are you actually basing our relative skill based on 2’s rating? ret paladins 2’s is their best bracket, and ur still 300 below me in 3’s. Yeah not the same @ all there champ but w/e.

also, rogue is not FoTM lol.

maybe it was pre-nerf but, not atm. people get frustrated because you can’t mongo brain with rogue. actually gotta watch stun DR’s, and other people’s cd’s, as opposed to “wings freedom bubble triple judge TV victory”

must be nice to just say dumb crap with nothing empirical to back it up.

If you can’t understand why 20k-25k+ WoGs from rets or prots is an issue then you need to reevaluate your bias.