Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

win/loss doesn’t get u tittles/mount. rating does. plenty of glads with negative w/l again.

never said “w/l doesnt matter only winning” because that doesn’t make sense. but again you’re so angry you didnt even read the reply correctly. :joy::joy::joy:

you see how special you sound big fella? LMFAOOOO jesus dude just log out im embarrassed for you.

also a big lie. you didnt.

nobody else on this thread did.

neither did any glad i’ve ever met ever.

“entry level” but your rival achievements is years after starting the game :joy::joy:. just stop you’re typing angry nonsense

I am not angry at all. You are just an unlikable guy. GL

lmfaoooo alright big brah. glad you moved passed your mental breakdown. Gl to you as well.

This paladin is literally the most dumb person i’ve ever seen

the only prob i have with ret is wog and thats about it. Definately shouldnt be full healing people. I have no issues with the burst but i can completely deny it i cant say much for other classes being able to do the same. Rets are just an obsticle bait bubble cloak/evade wings and stun or blind them at 30% and its game over. Itll get toned down no matter how much you dont want it to lol

Its good to pressure the ret so that he spends his holy power on wog and not on pressuring us. never had an issue with them. and i never once mentioned any worries or concerns about rets being “toned down” just assumptions these angry dudes made.

I just hit rival on my demon hunter. being “op” is not an issue for me.

what i don’t like is all the crying going on “stop blaming your loses on rets and wog” if a new player can hit said desired rating so can these guys with 12 years of exp under their belt.

also off topic, how do you reply to multiple people at once?

This dude still won’t understand he hit “rival” in 2s lmfaoo brosky that bracket doesn’t matter, nobody cares about it, you won’t get gladiator from it, and 2s is a whole different game from 3s, being good in 2s doesn’t mean you’ll do good in 3s at the same rating. And what people are complaining about, is about rets in 3s, nobody cares about rets in 2s.

nobody cares about 3s. see? i can say random stuff too.

anyway, took you about 2-3 years to get rival, took me a month.

nobody cares that you’re here crying tears out brody. if you salty just say that :joy::joy::joy:. either way its funny to me.

good luck playing a female orc though, imagine being horde? whew couldn’t be me.

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Who brags about 1800? It is so easy, and ret is hot garbage, just run WW and priest and they melt before they can bubble. Meanwhile you’ve been playing the whole xpac trying to push 1800 and have yet to do a +10 in time or kill more than 1 raid boss on normal. Imagine taking that long just to hit 1800, a month, yikes.

“who brags about 1800”

  • thread name “stop blaming your loses on rets and wog” think you misread there special little buddy.

“who brags about 1800”

  • has never hit 1800.

:joy::joy: alright then.

“whole xpack”

shadowlands release date 11/23/20. i hit rival 2nd week of the season, 3rd week of the xpack.

-Brings up pve because your pvp stats are trash.


i mean i just dont understand what made you so bothered that you had to reply to my thread with this “high” IQ mental breakdown stuff?


Was talking about this comment, since it’s bragging about 1800, figured I wouldn’t have to point to it but just to make it easier for you to see, I will. My priest is almost 2k, in far less games than it took you to get to 1800, Keydre-Mal’Ganis if you feel the need to fact check me. I feel like your response might be going the “you have no life blah blah blah” route, go for it, gives me a reason to respond to another thing you think you know.

yea he tried to rating shame me and i shut him down with the fact it took him multiple years to reach a level it only took me a month.

thats fine my demon hunter is also 2k so is my mage. i also have 2k achievements on this guy(weeks after first booting up the game ever)

either way we’re playing on the same competitive level yet you have a plethora of years on me, theres no excuse. you have no room to say anything, :joy::joy::joy: let it go.


Yup, game is linear, hasn’t changed at all in 15 years, so anyone playing for that long (even in this might be their first pvp season too) should be CE, Top IO, and 3k rating multi glad . You’re right, sorry. GL on your pvp!

LMFAOOOO ight i get your point, i really do, but playing the game for 15 years and not reaching the best possible bracket (glad) gives you no room to try to belittle new players rising up in the pvp community. im not the bad guy here. gl on your pve/pvp

#dior #respectfully

This Dior guy is amazing. Gimme more champ

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you can literally see I got every achievement from 1750 to 2200 in less than a month lmfao what you mean? And I got 2700 AND glad (real glad, not current scuffed glad from 2400) 6 months later.

if you knew even the smallest thing about pvp you’d know orc is the best race for shaman in pvp, due to it’s racials, but i wouldn’t expect a rat like you to know anything about racials lol

except for the fact that 3s is the official competitive bracket, the one that tournaments are played on, and the only one that gives out rewards. 2s doesn’t matter to anyone, and they don’t balance the game around 2s because no one that pvp’s cares about it fam, get off your high horse you’re 1800 just because you’re playing the most broken spec right now, and not even 1800 in the bracket that matters lmao can’t even get glad from 2s!! as soon as you get hit by the nerf hammer you’ll go back to your 1500 rat league where you belong, have fun!

Btw, rival is literally entry level pvp, we can get rival in a day in an undergeared character easily, don’t get too hyped up about it, bragging about 1800 shows how little you know about pvp and this game, in a few years you’ll prolly read these posts and say to yourself “how tf was I this retarded” :^)

This 10 year old is a master troll

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took you years to get where
im at. discussion over

you play horde(:nauseated_face:)

im not reading this wall of tears you been playing for 10 years why are you crying to
a new player? :joy::joy::joy::joy: log out for me
brah you’ve been embarrassed enough

lol “real glad” jesus christ kid :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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how are u 1800 for over a month but still no weapon?

LMAOOOO i’m crying. female orcs tho. ZUG ZUG female orc grunting noises