Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

Honestly bro, reading your posts is super cringe. Esp with the emoji spam (my 9 year old cousin types exactly same as you), and your argument that you have no problem facing ret when you’re ret yourself? Even the other ret pallies in this post want you to shut up and not make them look bad.

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why do emojis bother you?

It doesnt bother me, but you talk like all the middle schoolers or elementary school kids. Just read back your posts from the beginning of this post and tell me it’s not cringe.

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its not. old man.

I mean every single person, even the rets in this post are against you, particularly because of the way you type and the arguments you make. It literally feels braindead seeing you contradict yourself over and over. I think you could of made a much argument if you didn’t speak like a toddler with ADHD, but you think otherwise, while everyone else in the post disagreed.


relax bro its just a computer game.

Again, you just proved my point.


sure thing old man.

Imagine pretending like paladins arent OP, Pvp as a whole is flat out trash right now. all just gimmicky one shots

Thing is, Dior is a epitome of what the PvPers don’t want to see. A new player so stuck up on his own ego being carried an OP spec, that he becomes delusional.


I can’t wait to see your threads in 3 months begging for ret buffs and nerfs to (insert meta class) because you can’t get to combatant in season 2. I would feel bad about how blissfully ignorant you are of what’s coming, but you’re f*****g insufferable.

LMFAOOOO so telling people that chaining cc’s and opening kill windows would help makes me have an ego? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: gotta love the IQ on this thread. #dior

Are we reading the same posts? It really feels like I’m speaking to a crazy or a toddler lol.

Like so many times you contradict yourself in this post, and the thing you mention is chain CC? I didnt know you had the brains to know what that is lol.

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The more he posts, the more I’m certain he bought a carry for the mog.

He played over 500 games in 2v2 this season, I think he’s just a kid that’s new to arena and that’s stuck up playing a OP spec. I’m 100% sure this is the case.

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:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: why are these horde combatant bracket players so angry. can some one explain?

After prot gets nerfed, I’m gonna keep tabs on you and remind you of how ridiculous you look to everyone else.

why do you keep making stupid accusations? everyone is a old man and combatant? Just grow up and speak based on reality, stop making crap up like a child

How come all the WoW PvP experts are rogues and paladins?
so weird…

im not prot bro :joy::joy: