Stop blaming blizzard for human nature

So you don’t know. Neither does anyone else, What I want, and I’m sure everyone else would welcome it too, is a response from blizzard. Not the “we’re doing this thing” response that everyone just accepts as the “norm” per-say, but technical reasoning as to why the tech they do have is the best, or as to why they don’t have the best. We’ll never get it, but that’s most of the problem with the whole situation.

So what ur just telling me rn is…. A billion dollar gaming company has NO capability whatsoever to increase capacity on ONE server? Interesting….

So what, I have degrees in other things that you wouldn’t possibly understand either, but I’d try to make you understand so we could have a conversation, you’re not even willing to have a conversation, so I ask… WHY THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN HERE? TO TRY TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL STUPID?.. Because your answer to my questions were basically " I don’t know read this thing I wrote" Honestly…

Careful, he might try to use his other post to make you feel stupid instead of explaining like he’s a god in his field.

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You know what. Yeah. Blizz is helpless. They only do this to hurt your feelings and steal all your money. They like spending more money to create a bad experience!

I said that in my explanation. The difference is that I have industry experience and can make informed assumptions as to why things are the way they are and accept them as realities, and all you can do is shout into the void about how things should be the way you say they should be despite having no perspective or understanding of if it’s possible or how it should be done.

You should go into middle management lol

I know this is just joking around but Blizzard uses the best hardware available. It’s cheaper to run the best hardware available. More power efficient, less space; it’s cheaper.


I’m trying to get perspective understanding from someone who CLAIMS they have it, and won’t give it to me, then tells me I’m stupid because I don’t know. Boy what a circle. Can’t even try to learn here, got you here that’s “Well I know why But it’s not my job to teach you, DUH you should know these things, idiot…” Whatever dude.

Even down to the computational spend. They spend MORE MONEY when their resources get capped. The process still needs to be completed.

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So just to be clear of the timeline here, I compare servers to basketball courts here:

You accept that link and reference Blizzard’s server technology as unchanged in 19 years and therefor neglected here:

I then even ask for clarification here:

My question is then answered with this you said in response to Nickole:

Some discussion goes down which results in my pointing out that you said that the servers had remained unchanged and neglected for 19 years (established fact) here:

You then lie:

I point out your lie:

You then try to evade and deflect the whole “Whoopsie you caught me in a lie!” thing here:

Before I can respond you lie again here:

An indirect lie but a lie nonetheless. Disingenuously implying that your remark referencing my basketball analogy wasn’t ipso facto a remark on Blizzard’s servers.

I then call you out directly for your lying:

And you respond to that by lying about you having lied:

I’m not calling you stupid, and I never did. I’m saying that the way you’re asking questions seems confrontational and more like you’re trying to prove me wrong than trying to gain a better understanding.

I’m not gonna waste energy trying to educate you when you’re not trying to learn. You getting a better understanding of why things are the way they are is the lowest stakes possible for me, when you’re just one uneducated shouter in a sea of uneducated shouters.

Go ahead and ask me what you want to ask.

Cool, then why are you here? To scream " I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON’T KNOW" Like we’re 5? Get lost then, you’re going into the ignore bucket too, don’t care how well-versed in “Blizzlike server technical techy tech” you are. lmao Kinda starting to believe you don’t know as much as you think you do. Someone you has information and refuses to give it to prove a point or to point someone to the truth in a conversation either doesn’t have it, or has an EGO nobody can match. Good luck to ya… :roll_eyes:

Rofl, the projection is so strong with you. You’re like a little ball of fury, immaturity, and stunted wit.

It sounds like you’re upset because you got exposed for not really knowing what you’re talking about.

That’s fine, I don’t know much about this stuff either. The difference is I don’t pretend I know anything about it. We all have knowledge of different things. No need to feel shame in not knowing something.

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the retailer apologist

Yeah because you just wanna complain lol

Keep cherry picking my quotes to ignore where I say that the reason I’m not gonna waste energy is because you show a distinct unwillingness to try to understand what I’m saying, likely because it threatens your ability to complain more.

If you were receptive to the information I’m providing and were genuinely trying to learn more, I’d spend hours chatting this over with you. When you capitalize things like “someone WHO CLAIMS to know…” I know you’re not coming from a genuine place.

Ok u’ve been pretty calm so i think I’ll give u the benefit of the doubt. Personally i log in the morning so idc but i just hope more people get to play so servers feel alive. :man_shrugging: :ice_cube:

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Don’t. I know plenty, just not about this stuff, I already said…

If you’re not willing to have a conversation, and just repeatedly call me “ignorant”, I see it as “stupid” in the context of this, then why even post? EGO? Maybe. I still know that the tech existed in '06 from EVE. So to say it’s just as good or better now, sounds like lying, and to say it’s different and doesn’t work that way without an explanation as to why… IDK bro, rubs me wrong.

Strangely enough, I was replying to someone else who was demanding “infrastructure upgrades”, and Prickle jumped in themselves to say “I don’t know how they should do it, they should just do it.”

Likewise! I want people to be able to get in, and the state of megaservers is pretty bad.

Server management is a big hairy thing that Blizz has dealt with to varying degrees of success for a long time. Things like sharding/crossrealm make server imbalance barely noticeable, but have really bad (imo) effects on the game, and certainly isn’t “Classic”.

I’d have preferred servers to be closer to the ~5k caps from back when, but then you run into issues with players quitting and all that.

Ultimately, where we’re at is what happens when Blizzard takes a hands off approach and allows the players to sort themselves. It’s an obvious approach for them because if they did try to regulate factions and populations you’d have a whole lot of players mad about not being where their friends are and all that, which is what Blizz seems to optimize for right now.

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