Stop blaming blizzard for human nature

Ignorant does not mean stupid. Not in this context or any other context. That’s just you assigning meaning to a word that isn’t present in the word itself or in the usage of it.

This is my favorite. Everyone on the forums suddenly becomes an expert of infrastructure whenever there are login queues.

That sounds like a reaction of an emotional and angry customer, not necessarily someone that’s willing to learn and understand.


imagine having such a low sense of self value that you empower yourself by sticking it to a gaming company lmao


The alternative is play in a dead realm with a crap economy and nobody to group with?

That makes zero sense.

If you are a billion dollar company you can come up with a solution quite easily.

I’ve been on grob since day one and now I’m punished when I did nothing to contribute to this.

Your argument makes absolutely no sense.

Ever think we wouldn’t be in this position of realms were population monitored and safeguards were set in place by blizzard?

Forking over a bit of money for the sake of a version of the game they are already milking is the right thing to do. And everyone but their shareholders know it.

you’re just too stupid to realize its a player made problem, but keep living in ignorance like a cow in a field of wheat

No, the megaservers are absolutely Blizzard’s fault. They could have disabled transfers long ago and restricted making new characters (unless you already have one on the server).

But they’re more interested in the micro-transactions from people transferring. They may be free now to get off, but think of all the people that transferred to the megaservers to begin with. And will again once things settle back down.

How many social credits you get?

no kidding. remember, i said it was blizzes fault. the players reacted to blizz. blizz gave them no other choice. this is a blizz created issue and a blizz issue to resolve. remember

you must be a fairly new player if this is what you have witnessed in YOUR time of playing.

In original expansions. 3-4 thousand players was considered a large server. Why do you think players talk about what they remember about when it comes to servers. There were not a lot of people in each server and you got to recognize the guilds and the players. Obviously not all of them but a large amount. Now, it is pointless to bring up anything to do with being anti cross server because the amount of players now on a server makes it impossible to be like it used to be. all of the negative stuff that people bring up is what we have to deal with now. like never seeing a player again. stuff like that.

my point is that NO, it is not true that players always left and went to high pop servers. it happened, but not like now. the mega servers are a new thing started in Classic. And they did it because of blizz. its not a player issue.

In retail, the players have rdf. they can group with players from other servers. They don’t need to transfer and they don’t. I have many characters on a very low pop server and im not retricted from anything. of course i don’t play retail anymore but when i did.

So now you have players that know how easy it is to group with other players. They have experienced it and know that it is possible. They wanted that. Blizz didn’t give it to them. So they did what they had to do to make the odds better of being able to play with other players.

Blizz seperated players into servers and refused to allow them to play together. That is on blizz.

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