Stop asking for classic +

lol did you miss my post about OSRS?? Scroll back up a bit and take a minute and think about that. How do you intend to keep retail features you don’t like out of the game if they get voted in???

FYI I’m neither a TBC, nor a Wrath baby. I was here since a month after launch 2004. Classic+ is a dumb idea and only a very small number of people want it. As I stated in my post which you replied to, Blizzard can’t make GOOD content anymore, and furthermore, you people don’t even know exactly what should or should not be in Classic+ regarding features, content, etc. Without all of you being in perfect agreement, there is no possible way for Blizzard to make a version of Classic+ that all of you will be happy with. It’s a fool’s undertaking

As for wanting to turn Classic into retail 2.0…no. I want Classic to remain untouched as it should be. I’m with the #nochanges crowd in that regard.
When I talk about the expansions, I’m referring to separate clients/servers, just as Blizzard has done to separate Classic from retail

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Outside of people who want Classic+, I have yet to see anyone who has said they wanted TBC or Wrath say they want servers replaced. If I have missed one, feel free to link it so I can read what the person said and find out if they were alone in that sentiment.

That aside, different types of servers do not change the mechanics of another server. If they did, then the second Classic came out, Retail would have changed in some way. Notably, PTR 8.2.5 is still on the PTR and Retail has not changed.

Classic+ has another major, okay more like two, problems. The second a change is made to it, it opens the floodgates of changes. This means they COULD add in things like AoE loot, faster hearth recharging, and other Retail QoL changes. The second one is that changing anything makes it not Classic anymore. As many people have pointed out, the point of Classic was a museum piece. This was said by the devs.

Finally, I started playing in 1.1. I remember when 1.2 came out the addition of Maraudon because it let me see a warrior tank mess up and me be asked to take his place. It is when I started tanking. Wanting one thing, or something happening, doesnt mean another thing is true.

Uh, if I liked retail I would not be on classic.

Well, hopefully Blizzard will do something to limit the people who vote based on the time spent on Classic WoW servers.

And if people are playing Classic and truly are there for the experience, they’ll presumably not vote in features that would destroy it.

But I’d much rather do a vote than have Blizzard arbitrarily decide what stays and what goes because history has proven they do not know what we want.

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Then they can go play retail. Following player’s “suggestions” on “fixing” the game is how retail go to where retail is at, that is a fact.

Just no. Classic + was already attempted long ago when they tried implementing all the “fixes” you whiners are asking for, guess what that became… Retail.

If you want all of the “fixes”, stop whining, trying to get them to change what the people responsible for getting classic servers wanted, and go play retail. Your “fixes” are nothing but game breaking changes to those of us that wanted classic and took action to get classic.

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lmao gtfo with this retail

Well, because if you suggest that retail should be made more like Classic, retail players will flay you alive.

Asking for us to stop asking for us to stop asking for us to stop asking for… woah.

This thread is hella meta.

It doesn’t matter what the requirements are…retail people WILL meet them just to be able to vote and screw everyone over just like before

That much is true…many people in favor of Classic+ prefer Classic over retail, but it’s not quite to their standards as to what their “perfect” version of WoW is, so they feel that Classic+ is the best option to have their cake and eat it too.

The irony in that statement, is that the choices and game design decisions Blizzard made in that regard, were brought about by the players who asked/complained/whined/raged to get what they wanted. This is literally a REAL case of “You think you do, but you don’t”. It wasn’t Blizzard that caused WoW’s decline in popularity…it was ultimately US. Nobody here seems to realize this however, and in their hubris the “We know better now what the game needs” by those same players is laughable

Case in point right here…he gets it

Lets face it - we got vanilla+ = its called classic.

I disagree with this entirely.

It was not the fault of the players. A majority of the bad decisions came from Blizzard. Did the players suggest some things? Sure. But Blizzard did what they always do and gave us a monkey’s paw version of things we asked for.

They ultimately changed so many things in the game because it was easier for them to balance. Why they tried to balance an MMO, I’ll never understand.

LOL ok so you are saying that Blizzard in this case was acting like a Djinn from D&D when using a Wish spell/artifact?? :joy:

The ONLY example of that scenario you describe that even remotely fits, would be when we asked for player housing and got Garrisons.

Otherwise, the rest of the changes/features were exactly what people asked for, or damn close. Sorry but no I’m not buying that one. It still doesn’t change the fact that it was player influenced, and the squeakiest wheel always got the grease when it came to Blizzard.

Classic+ will go the way of retail if they open it up to a voting system guaranteed…all it will take is time…and then the players will have NOBODY else to blame but themselves, but I’m sure everyone will point the finger at Blizzard just like the first time around :roll_eyes:

Thinking devs would ever remove “Class fantasy” is a fantasy in itself. Asking for classic + is a solid move

I’d rather retail get better - and play TBC/Wrath on the side. As it stands right now I do not even have retail installed anymore.

WoW is f*cked regardless. The moment they started doing mount shops is the moment that light was shed on their philosophy. Enjoy the game while it lasts because the moment Blizzard starts putting their ideas into it is when it’ll go downhill

Blizz doesn’t have a vision for an MMO that’s interest me. Retail doesn’t feel like a world anymore.

Idk even know if MMO’s will survive. We’ll see if CoE or CU is any good. Seriously hoping CoE pays off, but I won’t be shocked if that tanks, too.

But Blizz making retail “better”? It’s a lost cause for me. Their ideas are god awful. The good ones they had they left with Classic and honestly, those were just ripped from other successful games that came before it.

Blizz’s only good quality is their story telling, world building. It’s definitely gone off the rails for me in Retail but maybe if they stole some ideas from ambitious MMO’s who just didn’t have the funds to make it THEN I’d consider it.

Hell I’d pay $30 a month to play a UO-WoW hybrid. Mix in some of the ambitious ideas from CoE, CU? Yeah, I’d be hooked.

yea because u cant stop, ur thing in ur head doesnt allow it!

people like u destroyed vanilla and people like u gonna destroy classic

its in ur DNA!! its not ur fault, u are just urself! its not possible for u to change :frowning:
destroying games will be always part of ur life and we feel sry for you

if blizzard kills wow with crybaby changes again we will just reopen nostalrius, wait some years and get classic 2, classic 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. :slight_smile:
