Stop asking for classic +

Why not ask for retail to be made better in 9.0 instead?

Adopting some of the game designs that at one time made the game great.

Retail will have the new content. We should be asking blizz to make retail more like classic. Not for classic +


Stop making the same thread every 3 days.


No. No, I do not think I will stop.


Retail is beyond repair bub.
classic +


so because retail is beyond repair, you want to make classic beyond repair?


Nah. Keep classic as is. #nochanges

make an expansion we can xfer to if we want for said content.


FWIW I agree, all the QOL and class changes and modernizing belong in retail

People want the classic game improved on. For example, having to decide not to learn spells because its too expensive? That’s not good. Having to press W for hours on end? That’s not playing a game. Having to kill a 100 gnolls to get 10 gnoll paws? Crazy. They can “soup up” classic and keep the core classes , dungeons etc. Classic is needlessly hard and intense. It’s just fact.

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This post makes me want to ask for classic+ daily.


this is the mindset of a retail baby.
Not going back down this path cuz it leads to retail…
These are the exact complaints that made retail the dumpster fire it is.


Ok then people will just say play retail daily

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I disagree. I think such changes would encourage gameplay over grindplay. A lot of the original changes post vanilla were added because players wanted them. It made gameplay better, at least imho, when WoW became too “winded” (not bad) by too many expansions. In the TV world they called it “tired.”

No. Stop trying to enforce your purist nonsense onto everyone.

Everyone can see that most of the #nochangers are acting like children and want their own sandbox for a game they think is just so 2004 but aint.

The slipper slope talk can take a hike too. There’s a lot of us who’d take Classic+ servers with new content Vanilla inspired with hard raids, mods and no flying and nice QoL changes. You #nochangers can keep your mostly empty servers when it happens.


k ill be the first to say, if you have this mindset, this is where retail went with it.
they catered to the “i dont have time” crowd. or “its too hard”. etc etc

retail is over there ----->


That’s very good. It’s a decision that has an impact. It’s immersive.

That’s why we use autorun. Again. It’s immersion.

Quests were designed to hide the fact that you need to grind mobs to level. Welcome to a real RPG.

On this forum we have claims its too easy and now you’re saying it’s needlessly hard. It is what it is at patch 1.12. Leave it there.
Make classic+, tbc, or wrath but leave what we have now as classic.
It’s too hard or too easy for people. Well find a different game. Retail has plenty of difficulty options for ya.


This one I think is the point I can’t disagree more with. There is no reason a MMO has to be a grind. It can be fun too. Grinding should go out the window, it is a bad game design.

Few things, first off.

Unless already planned there is no way 9.0 would have any major sweeping changes. The next expansion has been in production for a while, the earliest we would see any major sweeping changes (again, unless already planned for a while now) would be in 10.0. (Note: I say this just from what we publicly know about expansion development cycles and have known for a while. Paired with personal observation over the course of ~14 years.)

A good example is the Azerite System and how horrible the feedback was on it and how major changes did not happen until 8.2. Development takes time and resources and a lot of people seem to forget that. I personally would not expect any MAJOR changes in 9.0, the soonest would be 10.0 if they decide to make changes.

Second, I personally believe that Retail is too far gone at this point. Its traveled down its current path for far too long to really be able to go back to being like Classic in many ways. Too many systems stripped, too many systems added, ect.

Just LFD and LFR alone I could never see Blizzard stripping from Retail. If they were to back peddle it would have to be spread over several expansions else be too jarring for your average player. Just as it took time for Retail to get to where it is now it would take time to work its way back. Not to mention, as Blizzard has stated, its hard to take something away once its in WoW. Heirlooms? LFD/LFR? Transmog?

Nah, its too far gone at this point honestly.

Honestly, I don’t want Blizzard to take away Classic from anyone. I want Classic+ but my vision of Classic+ is separated from Classic. A continuation of Classic without forcing people who just want Classic to move into Classic+

In my eyes, Classic+ would sort of be like “WoW 2”, but that’s just me.

Who knows, Blizzard is known to do surprising things, they could rip the band-aids off of the festering sections of Retail and back peddle. I wouldn’t complain if that were the case, though honestly I just can’t personally see it happening.


That’s the only way it can happen. Leave Classic as a time capsule but a Classic+ should be able to make changes where it makes sense. As long as updates don’t take away from the classic style of play. ex: Being able to talk to NPC’s as a Shaman in Ghost Wolf form is an acceptable update.


I like the hardness, the world and the theme of Classic. i just want a few things like Transmog, eventually more raids past Naxx and more exploring the lore of Vanilla we never got to before BC came out. I agree with you, anyone saying “I don’t have the time etc” isn’t someone I’d say will get the most out of Classic.


You have all that in retail, but are scared to ask for changes there, and many of you are too addicted to speak with money. Also, you choose to fly, you have the option to click a ground mount button.

Blizzard said they’d be happy with the tens playing Classic, it wasn’t made for the BFAers. I believe they are more likely to add BC than a +, since they basically said that already. Maybe start asking for BC+ while there’s still time