Stop asking for classic +

You cloth wearers are all the same.

There are six phases to Classic. We are still in phase 1. It is far far too early to even consider going past this. Who knows how many people will still be there for phase 6?

And of course once you start modifying Classic then it isn’t Classic any more, is it?

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Retail would have to wipe the board clean to do that. Retail can be mastered by your casual 4-5 hour/wk gamer, and if you don’t think so there’s a reason why. Classic is more complex than filling a conquest bar or raid logging norm/heroic. That’s all the retail player base wants, what’s left of it. Classic and Classic+ is alot more than cheap mobile-brain mechanics and game systems.

Let 'em have it. My 15 year old toon is right back where it belongs.

Yeah I have very little faith that 9.0 will be a good expansion. I will say however that if the pattern holds regarding good, bad, good expansions thus far, then 9.0 might be decent.

Wrath - Good
Cataclysm - Garbage
MoP - Good
WoD - Garbage
Legion - Good
BFA - Garbage

I guess time will tell. Honestly I think they’re doing it on purpose. Making every other expansion absolute garbage just lowers our expectations, so that in our minds when the next one comes out it seems better than it actually is. Granted this is more of a tinfoil hat statement, but I don’t have any other explanation beyond that. If someone else has a better one please feel free to provide it

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Take two days to level a character in classic and take the immediate next two days to level a character in retail. No matter the class, race, spec, whatever- the experiences are completely different.
It’s extremely uninsightful to say “don’t support classic+ just support new retail content” because honestly, and many many many agree with me, they are just two different games. It is completely beyond repair.


And before nostalgia goggles claims are put out- I started in wrath. I entered in a time that would classify me as a “wrath baby”. I entered around the time the game begun getting easier and yet, I prefer the gameplay of classic.

So that gives you Classic+ drones the justification to insist that they modify Classic?? I don’t think so. Classic+ if it comes will be standalone or Blizzard will lose out on all the money they just started raking in on resubs from people who quit the game so many years ago.

Classic+ is a stupid idea and should never happen since none of you can even agree on what it should have for features/content. How is Blizzard expected to get it right then?? What happens when it’s a complete failure because feature x, y, or z did or didn’t get added??

It’s like playing Russian Roulette tbh. They aren’t going to waste time/money/effort on something that very few people will ever participate in. If it doesn’t have the potential to make millions of dollars like the TBC/Wrath re-release would, then it’s not worth doing to begin with