Stonemaul Alliance Reconnections

Dwarf Hunter
I used to play on Stonemaul and mained this same character. Anyone feel free to add me! I’m on Herod server alliance.

I used to play a Night Elf Rogue by the name of Stealh.

if yuu had a lockbox opened in IF it was probably me :slight_smile: I remember next to nothing. A pally named Niffty and our guild name was Knights of something (I might be way off)

anyway, if you remember me add me - formulaone#1216

Played a NE Hunter named Colanth. Dabbled in classic, did most of my stuff in BC/WOTLK. Can’t remember the guild name, I just remember a hunter I apprenticed under, Lowk at the time, think he became a DK in WOTLK. A war named Malaraltos (sp?), and a ‘Flower picking’ shaman whom I also cannot remember the name of. T_T Kinda vague, but yeah. I remember us doing runs with another guild near the end of the xpac into BT. Kinda vague, I know.

Oh lord here we go lmao. This is Lasthope BTW

Skidz Here. Played on Stonemaul Vanilla through Wrath. Looking for My old PVP buddies Looking to restart FJP in Classic. Hit me up.

Hey Sponge! Guess who’s back? Back again. . . Tell a friend. . .Good to see you boss. You gonna be playing Classic?

Played this toon, Alliance (Gnome frost mage) in Holy Roman Knights. anyone still around and kicking?

Hey dude! yeah I’ll be back on whitemane! what server you goin?

I smashed Hellhammer all the time with Shaylara and some other Fallen PVP’ers all the time when we were grinding Grand Marshal.

hey dude I did a lot of arena with you in BC. You had the duel warblades :slight_smile:

Mogran! I was Firechild/Attropos back then… started in Fighting Mongooses and was in MeS all the way through WotLK! Good to see the name again!

Oh my god! Whatsup my skidz bro? Is Wurf going to be joining the action? looks like everyones going whitemaine

Started playing WoW when I was 11, Stonemaul was my first and only server. Played a Night Elf Hunter called Uyg, While Vanilla was out only ever reached level 53. Looking for Samusson, Human Warrior and Misstina and partner. Greetings to all.

Hi Hugs and everyone else, Kajinos the rogue here! May get an NA account going, if I do ill hit yall up!

Hello Ex Stonemaul! I played Terezino Holy paladin, Did the Grand Marshall Grind with Endeaver and I remember skidz. Played in Einherjar, ONE and Then Brothers of the Blood. Look forward to seeing you guys in game!

New toon will be the same on Whitemane.

Used to play Stolenfayte way back in the day also the warrior Fershizzle my battle net is is Kingwzrd#1797

whats your battle tag? zero#111511 if you get this add me

Former GLA rogue! Nice to see some familiar names, although I will be playing on EU servers.

A few of us from Fallen have started it up on Incendius if anyone wants to join us.

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