Stonemaul Alliance Reconnections

Sup Bum, long time no see.

Gnome Mage named “Som” from ONE and I played in your guild for a bit aswell. I’m on Discord rn with Topo (Druid) that played in Fallen.

Is there a list of guilds ex-stonemauler’s are all in on Whitemaine?

Hey Dude! too bad you’re not on whitemane - had a lot of good duels back in the day.

Hi Galadrial,

I played Osirys (meh warlock haha) in Holicron Knights (and Redeemed before that). Currently Me, Narsis, Nimrod, DT, Bregga, Bolvai, and Star are on Thalnos in a guild called Vindictive. Youre welcome to join us!

OMG its the goat!!! trade chat connoisseur :slight_smile:

Lol Poorguy I remember you leveling and begging for gold in goldshire, then the next thing I know you were rank 14 >.<

Heya Larx, Yurico here what ever happened to the Elite crew? have you heard from Bannon or anyone?

Played a Human Warlock named Ancey as a part of the guild Fite Da Powa. Not sure if anyone from that is still aroun.d

Played a NE warrior named Wangfury, human priest named Wangtastic.
Raided and pvp’d with Foebane, the ninth circle, and the machine.

Remember soooo many people here. A few of us old guildies are stomping around on Myzrael. Alliance of course. I should probably create an alliance toon on whitemane. That way Hellhammer can squish me again just like the good ol’ days!

Played a human rogue named Valkaz. Usually running around in SS/TM then bgs when they came out. Original guilds were Savage Heros and So Cold. Cool to see some familiar names. I am playing a human rogue named Wyndaz on Kromcrush atm.

Use to be in Elîte, rolled a human warrior named Kikumiko. Playing on Atiesh for Classic right now I don’t have the patience for PVP/gankage anymore :slight_smile:

Hey all. I played a Pally Named Rectare. Used to be the leader of Immortals and the last few months of what people call classic i lead a guild called Pick up Group who did pug MC and Ony raids. I am now on Windseeker on a pally named Perfect. Say hi sometime. Lots of names here i remember!

Ret paladin/Holicron Knights

I remeber you and Ale, Sorry about DEing my tank back then! (seriously dickish

What’s up folks?! It has been quite awhile. I did some raiding for quite some time, wasn’t huge on the BG front though. Some of my toons were DarkOmen(priest), Jynxx(Hunter) Cripson(boom/resto druid)
Fallen Guild remember fondly. Just don’t remember anyone’s name offhand. Lmfao and I def remember gnome army… dudes were everywhere

I ran with Foebane as well on subxero my hunter, not sure if you remember me. Who all else is on Myzrael? I remember running with Asplundh and I’m sure I’d remember some other hunter names. Played with Dumaru and Futs as well.

Zips guild ?

Roaxe here LF Elite or Fallen Guild. Also have some friends from A Team. Pucc Javamonk where r u?!

Roaxe here from Elite!!! any old guildies still around? pucc where r u!?

I know I remember you! I was Hardhead the mage in Schism