Hello everyone! I was a small little 12 year old at the time of classic. Someone I knew from real life named “Kynes” (Male human Rogue) got me into the game and I quickly became addicted. 15 years later that 12 year old never stopped playing and has many Mythic-level raid achievements under their belt now. Back then, I never really socialized with the guild I was in but I knew a lot of people in the guild were great people. My name at the time was Xtevnes (Night Elf Rogue). Im 27 now and Im looking forward to many more great memories to come from the team and all of Stonemaul!
Mashikah here. Was a Night Elf rogue in AUS SAS for awhile. Anything heard from Adrenaline, Chewy, Moonfruit or any others? I am playing horde these days.
Bob, I played Horde after our guild had the drama and split in tBC. Im rolling with them on Fairbanks. Guild name will be H A T E D my character name “Borjoyzee”
Blitz, LoH tank was Dmonn for Vanilla he retired early tBC and another tank took over cant remember his name but it was “hardonn” or something crude like that. He ended up being instrumental in taking down LoH as a guild.
so few posts involving Aus Sas. I used to talk to a few such as mammon, shiji and one other but its been years.
That’s crazy maybe will try bringing Dmonn back in for classic I know he wanted to try out horde last I talked to him, also do you happen to know Surfer he played a Dwarf Hunter at the time.
Totally didn’t forget you guys Thack! Still together? She was one of the resto druids and we had some crazy pvp experiences. See you guys still play. Excited for Classic?!
Why hello there
Narib - Holy Pally and BrianDaddy Hunter. Where my Quad Killers DE / Fallen / A-Team / Leet Force Peoples at ! good to see some familiar names!
Yes we are still together lol, and hell yea we are excited. I always think about the times when you, Dylpot, Stendar and I would wall climb for hours lol.
Hey man. Its OGFrickin#1531 Shoot me a message. That goes for anyone who I used to play with Just let me know where from
I think I remember you from back then, def remember Kynes. How is he?
If Dmonn plays he needs to play in my guild. Tell him I said so. I remember Surfer. I know Dmonn’s brother payed with us and I am pretty sure that was Surfer. But I could easily be wrong. I was sorry to see Dmonn’s brother retire. Also I remember the jackass tank that split LoH guild. “Coculas”
Hey there, played a Human Paladin for a while, name same as above - Shineyguy.
Was active both here and in game. Lot has changed since then of course.
Let me know where you guys end up rolling. Looking to get together with old guildmates! Also, whats your btag?
Hey Frickin!! Just sent you a btag friends request. This is Druken btw. It will show up as DMan from my request!
Just let him know he said he’ll have to make a toon on Fairbanks right?
NE war: Ler
NE druid: Formas
I don’t remember doing anything or any guilds I was in
Sent a friend request man!
What up Stonemaulers!!!
Got it and approved! Figured it was you The group I’ve been gaming with since returning to gaming a few months ago are rolling on Atiesh (sp?) but that doesn’t mean if others are on another server I can’t roll there too. Let me know where you end up finding a home and I will create a toon or two there as well.