Stonemaul Alliance Reconnections

Vampy/Vampyriclust/Lustty here, human mage. Looking to play with the people I knew from ATeam/Fallen/GoodGame was also in The Machine before they moved realms.
P.S I’ve matured 10+ years :wink:

Played a Feral Druid, Tsuchiya. Everyone called me Susan or Sue for some reason. Not sure if i really remember my guild or guild members, but was a good time on this server.

Nuggs NE Druid. Was in Defenders of the Code and GG for a while. Just started a new account to play classic.

I played horde on this server (Overture the undead Rogue and Snowfall the undead Warlock). I’m just here to ask about Dunsparrow an the Enclave guild.

Sickle from Verndari here. . nice to see a familiar name!

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Hey, what is your BattleTag?

Btw, it looks like both Harod and Faerlina have “Full” populations. You guys still going to choose one of those as the server or go to a lower pop server?

majority of OG stonemauler going to whitemane

Herod Alliance no lifers guild recruiting! Come drop in disc:


Oh i remember you! been a long time since i’ve thought about that time back then. also seeing a hell of a lot of names i remember as well, even if in passing

Frickin! Yeah I remember you as well, think it was from GLA. I’ll have to make a toon on your server for sure! Good to see a familiar name haha.

Hey Cannon I remember you, I played as Desdelther, n/e hunter in that guild and also theshizzle n/e druid I think. I still occasionally talk to a couple people from that guild these days but I know for sure played with you back then. What server are you going to roll?

Hey man! I remember you and Alemap in GLA! How’s it going? :slight_smile:

You looking to join up with some old GLA guildmates? Seems as tho a bunch of them are going to setup characters on either Herod or

This is Druken btw.

probably still doing one of those. not sure which atm. Faerlina has all the streamers and Harod is supposed to have all the hard core private server guilds. Bnet tag is Zanark #1537

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Whats up Stonemaul!! so many memories!
Its Eledamri, played a ne prot warrior for Fallen all those years ago.
I remember Bum was the GL, darmius, nikky, franky, We had a hunter that went by crazyleggs! Still playing retail as a frost dk these days on kaelthas. Hope Everyoes doing well!

Yayu rDruid from Good Game~ Thaine pWarrior from Holicron Knights/Good Game. Hi Stonemaul

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Yo! Join us for classic!


woah thats a name i havent seen in a long time. how you been dude?

geez Zanark, you’re still around too?

  • Volaran & Volarax Night Elf Hunter
  • Guilds: DOTC (Defends of the Code) - Roadkill - Twisted Fate - Impact (later into Wotk)
  • I used to play with all sorts of people that I miss before stonemaul population crashed. hmu :slight_smile:

Where’s the majority of Stoenmaul folks rolling on the classic servers?