Stonemaul Alliance Reconnections

Hi everyone!!! So I thought I should post here to see if I can get in touch with some of my former Vanilla WoW friends from over a decade ago. (God I’m old.)

So my main Character on Stonemaul for MANY years was Druken. I was one of the first level 60 druids on the server. The guilds that I was a part of was GnomergeanLiberationArmy (GLA), Full Metal Alliance, and We Declare Shenanigans.

Also I believe for a shorter period of time I was in Snuggles, Advent, and Archetype… (Although I’m not quite sure about Advent. It’s so hard to remember way back then, especially towards the end of classic WoW where there was a lot movement between guilds before the 1st expansion. LOL)

Anyways, if there are any former vanilla WoW players that are planning on getting back together for some classic WoW nostalgic fun, please let me know!!! :smiley:

Yours truly, Druken the Druid


Hey there! This is Druken. I don’t know if you remember my name but I recognize your name. I’d love to play with the GLA / Full Metal Alliance crew for some nostalgic classic WoW fun! Where do you think you guys might go server wise? Have you got in contact with any of the original former guild leaders from back in the day? Also would it be possible to have 2 other people possibly join as well?

Thanks for posting and hope to hear from you soon! :slight_smile:


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Hey I remember that name Amelia. I guess I was your guildmate when I was in Snuggles. Do you recognize Druken? Btw, were you ever in GLA or Full Metal Alliance?

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Ivellioss here, played a gnome warlock in hoylcron knights (i think) for most of vanilla up into BC.

Your sister still plays in Roadkill on Stonemaul.

Woooow 13 y/o me used to whisper you asking for rogue advice

Has anyone seen Alttab from A-Team around? He pretty much guided us GAG members around MC and BWL. I still remember this person and the help and time they gave and will always be appreciative of it.

Also looking for Bengal and Ms. Tiki. :smiley:

Anyone know Coril - Human Rogue and if they will be around for classic?

Easily one of the most gank happy and frustratingly elusive rogues I ever had the pleasure of barely every killing and getting even with. I’d love a few more goes at it - even if I do suspect the results would be the same.

I knew she had some 120s on stonemaul. I didn’t realize they were still in Roadkill. I thought Roadkill migrated off stonemaul.

Pyrex here! Looking for my rank 14 pvp homies or any Fallen peoples

Also starting a guild on Herod(pvp) EST, drop in discord!


Yo do you remember Lurac - NE Hunter from Chute Box? I definitely remember you Arynan and I remember there was a mage you always played with.

I definitely remember Coril, full t3 rogue from A Team, luckily I played alliance though and never had to face off against um

I can remember raiding MC with you in Chute Box. Lurac - NE Hunter

Hey, it’s Lokie (warrior) from Snuggles. Def remember you. Hope all is well!

Lokie (human warrior) here! I was in Snuggles. I remember people like Ender/Zanark, Manadar, Tide, Vyr, Ekido, Rubicks, Caramoc (?) Franky, some dude named Starhunk or something rather always trolling, and plenty more. Hope all is well. I’ll be on Whitemane/Horde


Hey I remember Ameli , Drunken, and Lokie. I went by Enderofdays in Snuggles and Zanark in GLA. Some of us are coming back for Classic. Rubicks,Coramac, Cleft and Trey. We are looking at either Harod or Faerlina.


I was in Fallen, Bum was our guild leader, Franky was our resident and server wide jerk. I was Angelius (human paladin) and hunter’s were mad I got Typhoon from our server first world boss kill.

I was Council, dwarf spriest mostly pvp in vanilla and TBC looking for any of the old pvp-ers

Freeze and Magesca will also be playing on whitemane alliance side


I was Blubarry and Numa in Redeemed. I rather enjoyed the community on Stonemaul. I would always be DJBlu on our Ventrillo… aww the good ol days!

before that I was in snuggles for a little bit as Forthewin a gnome mage… until I got a suspension (in the middle of an MC run) as my name had been reported as a run on sentence… /sadface

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