I know this forum isn’t for line jumping but I’m curious why a game breaking bug has not been addressed by US support officially still for days and why tons of players are still being left up to the whims of the GM that opens their tickets.
Waiting 15-20 hours between replies for such a serious bug is just rubbing me the wrong way now.
Is there any other support open atm or a better way to talk to someone, at all?
From what I’ve read, there’s nothing that GM is going to be able to do in this case. Based on the blue from the EU forums, they’re currently working on a hotfix to address this particular bug and that a GM trying to bypass this will likely cause bigger issues.
It sounds like you’ll have to wait for the dev team to push the fix for this out. Hopefully it will be sooner than later!!
Thanks but I’ll have to disagree about the GM part as players in threads for both US and EU report having a GM complete the quest for them solves it, and have been given this solution by some GMs.
This causes the rest of us to desperately keep fishing for the proper GM that will do it, whether he should have or not as the EU Blue suggests.
If the GMs are really suppose to be powerless some are definitely using their power to help with this issue and while I’m super super glad some players can play again I don’t want to have to go thru a different set of rules if that makes sense.
It’s a common misconception that all it takes is finding the “right” GM. As though they all don’t have to follow the same processes as set out by the development team.
While there may have been GMs who did that at the beginning, and it may have worked, it would seem that they were then told not to as it could lead to bigger issues.
Again, it sounds more like you’ll need to wait for that fix to be pushed out.
And I’ll wait but I’m going to keep getting frustrated, especially if folks keep getting their issue solved manually even after the EU post, as they have been very recently still.
If I can’t play my character at all and have to wait days for a hotfix, fine… If I have to wait and others don’t that’s where the resentment comes.
What your saying does make sense and would be 100% applicable if people stopped being helped and all got the same solution but it’s just not the case even now.
This is a very common misconception about GMs and true bugs.
Our tools are VERY powerful. We often COULD do things - but we can also easily BREAK things.
For a true bug, it is far better for this to be addressed by QA and our Devs. During that process they will sometimes give us permissions and explicit guidelines on how to do a workaround if it appears it may take and extended period of time to hotfix. Before that, however, those workarounds are tested to make sure they don’t cause other issues. That is actually more of a potential hazard than you’d think when subsystems and phasing can be involved.
I do get nervous since its a bug that’s been around for a long time now and is just picking up a lot more with recent activity… some posts are from months ago. Did they get a fix? Abandon their characters?
It just doesn’t seem like a very minor bug yet the response has been a little tepid, at least what’s being seen from the outside.
Thanks for the response.
I’d say it’s possible but just highly unlikely players managed to break themselves slightly different then I got broke yet are suffering from the exact same issue.